Wilderness Battlefield

A cannon pointed to a field surrounded by fall trees.
Fighting in the Battle of the Wilderness started at Saunders Field and lasted a brief, but harrowing two days.

NPS Photo


Visiting the Battlefield

The Battle of the Wilderness took place over two days in May 1864. After US forces held the two intersections around which the fighting took place, they continued south, only to re-engage Confederate forces at Spotsylvania Court House. The park's visitor services, driving route, and trails provide a variety of options for exploring and connecting with the history of the battle. 


Prepare for Your Visit

An road intersection paralleling earthworks.
Wilderness Driving Tour

Learn about the opening action of the Overland Campaign with this audio tour that follows the Wilderness Battlefield Driving Tour.

A pencil sketch of soldiers cheering on a man on horseback.
Battle of the Wilderness

Federal forces marched south again in the spring of 1864, this time with General U.S. Grant in command.


Explore the Wilderness Battlefield

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    Last updated: November 17, 2023

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