News Release

Ceremonial Ribbon Cutting Held to Celebrate the Reopening of Little Round Top

Two men hold a red ribbon across a sidewalk. A woman in a park ranger uniform uses large scissors to cut the ribbon.
Gettysburg Superintendent Kristina Heister cuts the ribbon with the help of Gettysburg Foundation interim president David Malgee and Gettyburg NMP Resource Chief Zach Bolitho

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News Release Date: June 24, 2024

Contact: Jason Martz

Gettysburg PA—Gettysburg National Military Park celebrated the reopening of Little Round Top with a Ceremonial Ribbon Cutting earlier this morning. The Little Round Top area of the Gettysburg battlefield, that saw extensive fighting on the afternoon of July 2, 1863, was closed for extensive rehabilitation efforts to address overwhelmed parking areas, poor accessibility and related safety hazards, significant erosion, and degraded vegetation. The area is expected to reopen to the public later today.

Today, a more extensive, safe, and accessible trail system exists that allows visitors to experience all monuments, cannons, and other areas of interest. Gathering areas are present across the summit to accommodate the many large groups arriving by bus. Eroded soils have been stabilized and re-vegetated. New interpretive waysides are present throughout the area to tell the story of those who suffered, died, and memorialized the battlefield. In addition, satellite parking has been expanded and formalized in the area with access to the trail system.

Funding for the project represents a mix of federal funds and generous donations. The total cost of the project was $12.9 million, of which $5.2 million came from donations from the Gettysburg Foundation, National Park Foundation, and the American Battlefield Trust.

“We extend our deepest thanks and gratitude to our philanthropic partners at the Gettysburg Foundation, National Park Foundation, and the American Battlefield Trust. Their dedication, vision, and support of this project made it possible” stated Kristina Heister, Superintendent of Gettysburg National Military Park, and Eisenhower National Historic Site. “After a twenty-two month closure, we are thrilled to welcome the American public back to the most iconic location on the battlefield. It is an area where visitors can truly experience a meaningful connection to the past and understand the sacrifices made to protect our freedoms. We are confident that, with the help of the visiting public, the improvements to Little Round Top will provide an  amazing experience for generations of visitors to come.”

“The Gettysburg Foundation is excited about the reopening of Little Round Top and the work that the National Park Service has completed to rehabilitate the landscape, monuments, and trails there,” said Gettysburg Foundation interim president & CEO David Malgee. “We are proud to have supported this extensive project as the official non-profit partner of the National Parks at Gettysburg and are truly thankful for the many enhancements to “the hill” that will inspire visitors for generations to come,” added Malgee. 

“Gettysburg veteran and Medal of Honor recipient Joshua Chamberlain noted that ‘In great deeds something abides. On great fields something stays’ and there are few landscapes for which that power of place is more tangible than Little Round Top.” said American Battlefield Trust President David Duncan.“Now revitalized and enhanced, it stands ready to welcome this and future generations, a place where they can feel a meaningful connection to the past.” 

“Modernizing and improving visitor access to Little Round Top protects this hallowed ground and ensures that future generations can explore this place where history was made, and better understand how the battle of Gettysburg shaped our nation,” said National Park Foundation President and CEO Will Shafroth. “I am grateful for the generosity of Rick L. and Vicki L. James, John L. Nau, III and the partnership of the American Battlefield Trust for making it possible.” 

Park staff would like to thank the many members of the local Gettysburg community who helped us keep our visitors up to date with pertinent information about the project and they’re continued patience throughout the process.
We look forward to welcoming visitors back to this iconic battlefield site and join us as stewards to help us protect and interpret the site for generations to come.

Full details of the project, including photo albums, videos, time lapse videos, and frequently asked questions can all be found on the park’s website at
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Last updated: July 10, 2024

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