Current Artist-in-Residence

2024 Artists-in-Residence

Rebecca Shewmaker - June 2024

Rebecca Shewmaker uses sewing and embroidery techniques to create landscape paintings from fabric and thread. She finds inspiration in nature, especially in areas protected by state and national parks. When viewed from across a room, her artworks appear to be traditional landscape paintings. It is only when seen up close that the intricacy of her stitching is revealed. She hopes that the detailed textures of her work encourage park visitors to carefully contemplate the landscapes seen in Glacier National Park. She believes that the more we observe and learn about our parks, the more we are able to appreciate the beauty, knowledge, and history they contain.

Brenda Zlamany - July 2024

Brenda Zlamany is known for her unique approach to portraiture, blending Old Master technique with a postmodern conceptual framework. Recognized since the 1990s by critics like Barry Schwabsky, John Yau, and Donald Kuspit, she's part of a cohort reinvigorating portraiture with bold subject matter and social insight. In 2011, Zlamany received a Fulbright fellowship for The Itinerant Portraitist, starting with 888 watercolor portraits in Taiwan. This marked the beginning of a series exploring diverse subjects worldwide. At the heart of Zlamany’s work lies a deep understanding of iconography's power, fostering empathy and dialogue through portraiture. During her upcoming residency, Zlamany will paint portraits of individuals within Glacier National Park and its surrounding areas, forming a vital component of her ongoing project, ‘Climate in America.’ This latest chapter expands upon her previous focus on human relationships, social conflict, and cultural preservation, delving into the intricate relationship between humans and the land they inhabit. Through her work, Zlamany seeks to illuminate the complexities of this relationship and provoke thought and reflection on our connection to the natural world.

Be sure to check out the Park Calendar to find out about demonstrations, talks, exploratory walks, or performances by the artists.


Last updated: May 17, 2024

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West Glacier, MT 59936



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