Mount Salisbury

Three snow-capped peaks with two valleys and a glacier in the foreground

NPS Photo

Elevation: 12,170 ft.
South Peak: 11,970 ft.

Named by W. O. Field, Jr., and W. S. Cooper in 1936 for Rollin D. Salisbury, 1858-1922, professor of geology at the Univ. of Chicago from 1892 until his death, and an eminent student of Pleistocene and Recent glaciers. Climbers have reached the summit of both peaks.

Date Route Climbers
6/17/1977 Northwest Face James Nelson, Steven Swenson, Jerome Eberharter, and Greg Thompson
6/20/1979 Northwest Ridge and North Face (to South Peak) Peter Speer, Daniel Cauthorn, Ernest Jones, Benjamin Dobbin, and Michael Friedman

Last updated: December 18, 2018

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