News Release

Glen Canyon National Recreation Area Ranger Scott Spongberg Receives Prestigious Award and Scholarship

three people stand next to each other posing for a picture smiling , the middle person holding award plaque
(left to right): Glen Canyon’s Jamey Brazell (Deputy Chief of Operations, Visitor and Resource Protection), Award Recipient Scott Spongberg, and Jessica Barr (Chief Ranger, Visitor and Resource Protection)


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News Release Date: May 9, 2022

Glen Canyon National Recreation Area Ranger Scott Spongberg was recognized as "Best in Class" at the Northern Arizona University (NAU) Seasonal Law Enforcement Training Program and received the prestigious Brent McGinn and Laurie Axelsen Scholarship. At the NAU award ceremony, Spongberg was awarded a $1,500 scholarship, a commemorative plaque and a memorial coin.

Spongberg received the award on behalf of the friends and families of Brent McGinn and Laurie Axelsen, who died in an off-duty aircraft accident in October of 2010. The McGinn & Axelsen Scholarship fund was created through the Glen Canyon Natural History Association (now the Glen Canyon Conservancy) to honor Brent and Laurie, and to financially assist future rangers who graduate from seasonal law enforcement training programs with top honors.

The award recognizes Spongberg for embodying the characteristics of excellence, integrity, hard work, and pride in performance, as exemplified by Chief Ranger McGinn and District Ranger Axelsen. The award was presented by Glen Canyon National Recreation Area Chief Ranger Jessica Barr and Deputy Chief of Operations Jamey Brazell.


Last updated: May 10, 2022

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Page, AZ 86040


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