News Release

Two Feral Horses Stranded on Lake Powell Beach Have been Rescued

A Large National Park Service vessel with a horse trailer boats a narrow canyon.
A horse trailer loaded on an NPS work vessel was used to remove two horses stranded in Navajo Canyon.


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News Release Date: June 23, 2023

Contact: Mary Plumb, 928-608-6200

Contact: Michelle Sathie, 661-803-2909

 A mare and foal that had been stranded on a Lake Powell beach in Navajo Canyon have been rescued. Glen Canyon National Recreation Area staff had been monitoring and feeding the animals since June 7.  

Park staff contacted a local veterinarian and together they assessed the horses and their situation. It was concluded that the two feral horses were trapped on the beach due to rising lake elevations and they had no way to escape on their own. Some theories as to why this occurred include the mare giving birth and a limited food supply that eventually ran out after Lake Powell water levels continued rising.  Horses are great swimmers, but for unknown reasons, the mare stayed on the beach until she was too weak to make the one-quarter mile swim with a newborn. 

The horses were not in danger of being inundated by the rising lake levels. They had access to the Lake Powell water and National Park Service (NPS) staff fed the horses hay while a plan was developed to safely remove the horses from the beach. Normally, the park does not interfere with natural wildlife or feral animal issues but this beach is a very popular camp and recreation spot for boaters so there was a safety concern to the public.   

Several factors aligned to make the rescue possible, including the proximity to a marina, and the availability of an NPS vessel that could accommodate a horse trailer. The most important contributions to the rescue efforts were made thanks to the generosity of the Kanab Veterinary Hospital and Best Friends Animal Society’s Sanctuary in Kanab.  

The team was successful in sedating the mare and getting both horses safely into a horse trailer on the boat and they were transported last night to Kanab.   

“Mom and baby are now eating, resting and safe at Best Friends,” said Jen Reid, manager of Horse Haven at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary. “We were thrilled to be part of this incredible rescue and look forward to helping these horses find a great home when they’re ready.” 

After the filly is weaned, they will both be available for adoption. If interested in adopting the horses, please contact   The NPS would like to thank everyone involved, especially our partners at the Navajo Nation, Kanab Veterinary Hospital and Best Friends Animal Sanctuary. 

Two horses, one mare and her foal stand on a sandy beach.
The rescued feral mare and her foal; photo taken while they were stranded in Navajo Canyon, near Lake Powell. Remember to never approach wildlife.  NPS Photo.


Last updated: June 23, 2023

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