Draft Dog Management Plan/EIS

In 2011, the GGNRA released the Draft Dog Management Plan / Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for public review and comment. Over 4,700 comments were received. The NPS reviewed and responded to all substantive comments in a Comment Response Report. Although a comment response report is normally only published with a Final EIS, the NPS released this report along with the release of a draft Dog Management Plan/Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) in 2013.

The Draft Dog Management Plan/EIS and other supporting documents can be found at the NPS Park Planning website, “GGNRA Dog Management Planning” under the “Document List” link.

Comments on the EIS

Click here to review public comments. Each comment has a Correspondence number, from the order in which comments were entered into PEPC.

To find comments submitted by a specific individual, click here for a list of Correspondence ID numbers with submitters' names; note that some individuals have opted to keep their name and/or address private. Search the public comment file for that Correspondence number.

To find comments submitted by a specific organization, click here to see a list of organizations, grouped by type and listed alphabetically. The number shown after each organization is the Correspondence number for their comment. Search the public comment file for that Correspondence number.

Under the Unaffiliated category, you will also see organizations listed. This is for comments from individuals who indicated they were part of that organization, but who did not indicate that they were the official representative for that organization.

Public Comment Attachments
Some comments submitted in hard copy included attachments that could not be entered into PEPC, such as photos, documents with tables, or maps. Those comment attachments are listed individually below, in order of the ID number of the comment of which they are a part. Click on the listed attachment to review.

Comment 304 attachment
Comment 768 attachment
Comment 1502 attachment
Comment 1503 attachments
Comment 1723 attachment
Comment 1810 attachments
Comment 1835 attachments
Comment 2529 attachment
Comment 3584 attachment
Comment 3608 attachments
Comment 3642 attachments
Comment 3715 attachments
Comment 3759 attachments
Comment 3931 attachment
Comment 4010 attachments
Comment 4246 attachment
Comment 4278 attachment
Comment 4303 attachment
Comment 4398 attachments
Comment 4401 attachment
Comment 4405 attachment
Comment 4408 attachments
Comments 4409, 4013, 4017 attachments
Comments 4442, 4443 addendum
Comments 4442, 4443 attachments
Comment 4460 attachment
Comment 4462 attachments
Comment 4463 attachments
Comment 4536 attachment
Comment 4543 attachment
Comment 4559 attachment
Comment 4560 attachment
Comment 4572 attachment
Comment 4619 attachments
Comments 4626, 4632, 4636 attachments
Comment 4628 attachment
Comment 4630 attachments
Comment 4639 attachment
Comments 4640, 4650 attachments
Comment 4643 attachment
Comment 4655 attachments
Comment 4656 attachment
Comment 4657 attachments
Comment 4659 attachment
Comment 4660 attachments
Comment 4665 attachment
Comment 4667 attachments
Comments 4674-4680 attachments
Comment 4681 attachment
Comment 4683 attachments
Comment 4691 attachment
Comment 4692 attachment
Comment 4693 attachment
Comment 4694 attachment
Comment 4695 attachments
Comment 4697 letter and attachments
Comment 4698 and 4089 appendices
Comment 4699 attachment
Comment 4704 attachment

Last updated: August 20, 2016

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San Francisco, CA 94123


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