Get Involved

Looking for how to get involved? Browse through the website navigation or use the search tool to find opportunities.


young people volunteering in field
Become A Volunteer

History buffs, naturalists, artists, students, gardeners and many more people have found a place to share their skills at GGNRA.

reps from NPS, Presidio Trust and Conservancy

GGNRA is home to some of the most interesting and effective partners in the NPS.

installing fire pits at Ocean Beach
Participate In Planning

The park continually works to develop better transportation, restore trails and improve buildings and infrastructure.

solar panels on roof of alcatraz

Learn more about energy efficiency, our green buildings, the reduction of fossil fuels and green purchasing.

Interns group photo 2019

Internship Program at Golden Gate National Recreation Area: Fort Point, and Muir Woods

Ranger at ohlone portola heritage trail day
Community Outreach

Targeted community engagement. Strategic community partnership. Promoting social justice and relevancy.



Art Alfonso using skill saw on lumber
Working With Us

Visit this page for current job opportunities at the GGNRA and learn about the Pathway Program for students to federal careers.

people overlook the bay
Doing Business With The Park

Want to hold an event or conduct business with the park?

two rangers and raptor conservatory staff hold Point Bonita t-shirt
Support GGNRA

Help support GGNRA in our efforts to preserve and protect these natural and cultural resources.

Staff push wheel barrows, in line, down dirt trail

Make a gift to the Parks Conservancy to help restore park trails, nurture fragile habitat and preserve historic landmarks.

Last updated: November 3, 2022

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

Golden Gate National Recreation Area
201 Fort Mason

San Francisco, CA 94123


United States Park Police Dispatch: Non-Emergency: 415-561-5505 Emergency: 415-561-5656

Contact Us
