Rings, Ripples, & Echoes

Applications for Rings, Ripples, and Echoes are closed.

Rings, Ripples and Echoes applications will reopen from September to December. If you are interested in obtaining an academic fee waiver, please fill out the Education Reservation Request Form and submit it to muwo_educationrequest@nps.gov. Instructors are responsible for developing their group's experience once inside Muir Woods.



Grades K - 5

Sun rays beaming in the redwood forest.
Sun rays beaming through the redwood forest.


Your students travel on a self-guided inquiry-based journey through Muir Woods and other natural communities along the Redwood Creek Watershed. They consider the interrelationships of the forest communities and understand the healthy patterns of a forest habitat. Together, they'll delve into the interconnected puzzle of forest communities and decipher the captivating patterns that embody a forest habitat.

Getting Ready for the Park Visit in Muir Woods National Monument

National Park Service staff will greet you and your class when you arrive at Muir Woods. Staff will conduct a 15-minute talk on the ecosystem in a special outdoor classroom. Also, you will be provided with resources to guide your class while learning in the woods. Groups, please fill out the education reservation request form for an educational visit.

Rings, Ripples, & Echoes uses the Understanding by Design framework, and aligns with the Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core Standards.

Students gazing up at the redwoods.
Students gaze at the redwoods.


Program Structure

Rings, Ripples, and Echoes is framed by an Essential Question:

K - 2nd Grade: What do living things need to survive in their habitat?

3rd - 4th Grade: How do living things thrive in their habitat?

5th Grade: How are our cultures influenced by where we live?

Rings, Ripples, & Echoes is structured in three parts:

1. Classroom preparation – lessons delivered by the teacher with resources provided by the park

2. Field session – the forest experience in which students investigate the forest, engage in scientific inquiry, and discuss cultural uses of the land. In-person field sessions are only offered Tuesday, Thursday, and Fridays.

3. Classroom Assessment – opportunities for students to demonstrate what they have learned through writing stories, illustrated poems, or developing models based on evidence gleaned from plant identification cards, information on Coast Miwok land use, and their own forest visit.

How to Apply

Please fill out the Education Reservation Request Form to request a program for your class (1 per classroom). Failure to complete this form may result in the inability to participate in program. The sections on the form that are labeled required must be completed.

Program Registration Instructions

1. Fully complete Section 1: Contact Information on the form.

2. Complete the section 2, Park Visit/Field Trip—grade, preferred date of visit, alternative dates, etc. Add TWO alternative field visit dates for your park visit. You do not need to fill out your contact information again.

3. Skip section 3, You do not need to complete contact information again, please go directly to the grade section.


Number of Students

Number of Chaperones

Preferred Date of Visit

(Please keep in mind the days of the week when program is offered)
In-person field sessions are only offered Tuesday, Thursday, and Fridays.

Preferred Program Start Time

Alternative Date(s)

(Be sure to include 2 alternative dates)

Anticipated Arrival Time

(Skip this part)

Anticipated Departure Time

Mode of Transportation

(Charter buses)

In this box, please let us know how many bus parking spots or vehicle parking spots you anticipate on the day of your field trip.

*Please keep in mind school buses are not allowed down Muir Woods road due to road safety.

4. Skip Section 4

5. Leave the Academic Fee Waiver blank. We will only request your group to fill out the fee waiver section 5, if you expect a ratio exceeding 1 adult per 5 students for your class. For example if you have a class of 20 students and you have more than 4 chaperones, we expect you to complete section 5.

6. Click here to apply! Education Reservation Request Form!

Please Note--Due to a high volume of requests, it will take a couple of business days to be contacted by a ranger. Do NOT book in-person field trip sessions on late or early release school dates. Plan for an 10:00 AM start time and 1:30 PM end time. In order to book the correct bus size, please provide a true estimate of the students and adults, including chaperones that will be participating in the program.

Academic Fee Waivers

Guide for Education Reservation Request Form Application: Suitable for educational groups seeking to visit.

  1. Download and review the Education Reservation Request Form

  1. Complete Section 1, 2, and 5 of Fee Waiver Application using the following instructions. Please leave Section 3 and 4 blank.

Section 1: Complete every box in this section and follow these instructions:

  1. Under the “Does anyone in your classroom need any accommodations?” and "Describe need” box, please let us know if anyone in your classroom needs any special help, such as accessibility, language, or special needs.

Section 2: Complete every box in this section and follow these instructions:

1.Under the “Program or Subject Requested/Self-Guided” box, include Rings, Ripples, Echoes.

2.Under the “Mode of Transportation” box, please let us know how you will get to the park, such as by bus or car. Please let us know the size of your vehicle (in feet).

* Please note: Only buses under 30ft may take Muir Woods Road between Panoramic Highway and the Muir Woods National Monument entrance. Buses over 30ft but smaller than 35ft are allowed into the park only via Highway 1 by taking Muir Woods Road (also known as Frank Valley Road) from the west. No vehicles longer than 35ft are allowed according to the regulation of the California Highway Patrol (CHP)

Section 5: Complete every box in this section and make sure to attach requested documents when you submit your application.:

1. Leave the Academic Fee Waiver blank if students are under 15.
Muir Woods collects entrance fees for visitors that are 16 years of age and older. Children 15 years of age and under may enter for free. Please complete Section 5 to request an academic fee waiver only if your group contains students 16 years of age and older.

2. We will also request your group to fill out the fee waiver section 5, if you expect a ratio exceeding 1 adult per 5 students for your class. For example if you have a class of 20 students and you have more than 4 chaperones, we expect you to complete section 5.

After completing the Education Reservation Request form, please email a signed copy to muwo_educationrequest@nps.gov.

Please have the name of the requested program in the email Subject line.

Please visit the Save the Redwoods League website to get more information on Redwood Forests.

Please note: Only buses under 30ft may take Muir Woods Road between Panoramic Highway and the Muir Woods National Monument entrance. Buses over 30ft but smaller than 35ft are allowed into the park only via Highway 1 by taking Muir Woods Road (also known as Frank Valley Road) from the west. No vehicles longer than 35ft are allowed according to the regulation of the California Highway Patrol (CHP)

Last updated: June 1, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

Golden Gate National Recreation Area
201 Fort Mason

San Francisco, CA 94123


United States Park Police Dispatch: Non-Emergency: 415-561-5505 Emergency: 415-561-5656

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