Teaching Tool Box

A San Francisco State University student uses a Magic Window transparency to find evidence of geologic change in the environment at Rodeo Beach in the Marin Headlands
Using a Magic Window transparency to find evidence of geologic change at Rodeo Beach. Kirk Wrench NPS

This "Teaching Tool Box" provides access to a variety of activities and lessons which support geology inquiry in the classroom and outdoors. Magic Windows is an innovative way to construct geologic knowledge while viewing a landscape's past or future. I Have Tectonics and Beach Ball Earth help teachers and students review the fundamentals of San Francisco Bay Area plate tectonic history. Cookie Tectonics is a tactile demonstration of geologic processes which formed the scenery we see today.

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5 minutes

The Cookie Tectonics program presented here by Aurora Perez and Jackson Lam, is a tactile demonstration of geologic processes which formed the scenery we see today. Program by Roxi Farwell, Video by Ricardo Olivares

Last updated: July 24, 2019

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