Restoration of Redwood Creek at Muir Beach Progress

The Restoration of Redwood Creek at Muir Beach has been going on since 2009. Here is a summary of what has been accomplished so far.

2009 (Phase 1):

  • Restored 2 acres of floodplain and a new 0.4-acre tidal lagoon to provide coho salmon and steelhead trout habitat
  • Removed a portion of the parking lot and removed artificial fill to restore the floodplain
  • Created a pond for breeding California redlegged frogs
  • Planted native riparian and wetland plants

2012 (Phase 2):

  • Constructed 550 feet of the new creek channel, along with a 300-foot tributary and a 150-foot side channel, to provide habitat for young coho salmon and steelhead trout

2011 (Phase 3):

  • Completed the new stream channel alignment and routed flows through the new creek for the first time • Created two new backwater habitats and an off-channel pond for coho salmon and steelhead trout
  • Removed 1,000 feet of an old levee road to reconnect the floodplain and prevent fish stranding
  • Constructed a 225-foot pedestrian bridge over the floodplain that will allow natural creek and wetland processes to occur while providing visitor access from the parking lot to the beach

2012 (Phase 4):

  • Ongoing restoration, including removing invasive plant species and planting native vegetation
  • Planning and community engagement for restoration and site improvements planned for 2013, including the re-alignment of the parking lot, extension of the pedestrian bridge, the installation of a trail along Pacific Way and to the beach, creation of a new picnic area, signage and other visitor amenities.

2013 (Phase 5) - Pending the ability of project partners to secure adequate funds, plans for 2013 include:

  • Rotate the parking lot so that it no longer obstructs flows across the floodplain
  • Extend the pedestrian bridge another 225 feet to reach the new parking lot
  • On-going native plant revegetation and invasive species management (learn about volunteer opportunities here)

Last updated: February 28, 2015

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