News Release

Pacific Gas and Electric to Begin Transmission Tower Repairs in the Marin Headlands

Map of the Marin Headlands with Avenue and Rodeo Avenue Fire Roads, Bobcat and Oakwood Valley Trails in yellow to indicate trail closure.
Trail closures in and around Oakwood Valley trail, Alta Fire Road, Rodeo Valley Fire Road, and Bobcat Trail in the Marin Headlands.

PG&E map

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News Release Date: June 7, 2019

Contact: GGNRA Public Affairs, 415-561-4732

San Francisco, CA - On June 7, 2019, in collaboration with Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA) will close a series of trails and fire roads in and around Oakwood Valley Trail, Alta Fire Road, Rodeo Valley Fire Road, and Bobcat Trail. These areas, within the Marin Headlands unit, will be closed to all visitor access until further notice. This will ensure visitor safety during the replacement of power lines which provide power to the City of Sausalito and all park lands in the Marin Headlands.

This project is part of PG&E’s high-priority transmission line replacement project for 10 towers within the GGNRA in Marin County. One additional tower requires lower-priority repair work. As part of PG&E’s Wildfire Safety Inspection Program (WSIP), it was determined that corrective repairs were necessary for the towers on the Ignacio-Alto-Sausalito 60kv transmission line.

PG&E will install a temporary replacement line while permanent towers are installed along the Alta Fire Road. The temporary line is expected to be in place for 12 months while the permanent replacement is implemented.

PG&E is inspecting its electrical infrastructure in areas at elevated and extreme wildfire risk based on the California Public Utility Commission's High Fire-Threat District Map. For more information about the project, contact PG&E at 415-257-3401, or email

GGNRA is working closely with PG&E to ensure public safety and environmental protection in the affected areas. The towers identified to be removed, and the relocation of the new towers, run through areas of the park, and have been surveyed to minimize impacts to natural and cultural resources. The project is expected to be completed in 2020. Additional trail closures will be announced on the park's Alerts and Current Conditions webpage.

Last updated: September 4, 2019

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