News Release

Redwood Creek habitat restoration at Muir Woods National Monument

Color photo of thick vegetation, green ferns, shrubs, and trees in background with large grey riprap boulders along Redwood Creek bank and downed tree spanning water in foreground.
Phase 2 of the Salmon Habitat Enhancement project will restore natural conditions to Redwood Creek.

NPS/Jace Ritchey

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News Release Date: July 5, 2023

SAN FRANCISCO— On July 10, 2023, Muir Woods National Monument will begin Phase 2 of the Salmon Habitat Enhancement project. The project will improve habitat in Redwood Creek for the federally listed endangered coho salmon. Restoration of natural creek features will improve creek habitat that supports the survival of young fish. Improving fish habitat will enhance the wildlife viewing visitor experience for future generations. The project is scheduled from July through November.

Muir Woods will remain open during this exciting project, and there will be no changes or decrease in visitor parking.  Visitors should expect some dust, noise, and detours at the park entrance and on some trails. The entrance plaza will be used as a staging area and a route for visitors to bypass the staging area will be fenced. A few trail segments will be closed during parts of the project. Park rangers will be on site to answer questions about the project and signs will be posted indicating trail status.

During Phase 2 of the Salmon Enhancement Project, fish and other aquatic species will be relocated to other sections of Redwood Creek and then the work zones will be drained of water. Visitors will see heavy equipment removing portions of the rock walls, or “riprap,” that line the creek banks and an old segment of asphalt trail that is at the top of the creek bank. Fallen trees from the forest floor will be used to create more fish habitat. After work is completed, the restored creek banks will be re-vegetated with native plants.

Eventually, the natural movement of water will renovate Redwood Creek from its current channelized state to a more complex, natural, and healthy creek ecosystem. With the natural meandering pattern restored, more woody debris, and deeper pools to hide in, Redwood Creek will provide the habitat that young fish need to survive. Visitors will have a better chance to see more fish in Redwood Creek.

The Salmon Habitat Enhancements are part of a family of projects collectively referred to as “Redwood Renewal” which were designed to ensure the preservation and long-term health of Muir Woods. Phase 1 of the Salmon Habitat Enhancement project occurred in 2019. Fish monitoring from winter 2021 – 2022 indicates that the Phase 1 Salmon Habitat Enhancement project has vastly improved Redwood Creek’s ability to support coho salmon juveniles.

You can find more information about the multi-year Redwood Renewal project on-line at Reservations are always required. Please make your parking and shuttle reservations prior to your visit at For updates on park conditions or trail closure information, visit the park’s Current Conditions webpage and follow us on

Last updated: July 3, 2023

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