Past Residencies - Dr. Ashley Pagnotta

A blonde woman stands next to a black and white telescope under a red dome. She wears a black blouse.
Dr. Ashley Pagnotta was Grand Canyon's 10th Astronomer in Residence.

Image courtesy Dr. Ashley Pagnotta

Dr. Ashley Pagnotta is Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at the College of Charleston, in Charleston, SC. She teaches a variety of astronomy and physics courses to all levels of students, and conducts research on exploding stars.

She was a Kathryn W. Davis Postdoctoral Fellow studying observational astrophysics at the American Museum of Natural History. Additionally, she was a faculty member with the Museum's new MAT program, for which she designed and implemented the astronomy lab practicum part of the curriculum.

During her residency, Ashley combined her love for dark skies and fiber arts, working on a fiber-based dark sky map to highlight global light pollution levels. Her programs available to the public included "Exploring Tonight's Sky," "Constellations Across Cultures," and "The Harvard Computers," which showcased the pioneering women astronomers of the 1900s.

Dr. Pagnotta was Grand Canyon's 10th Astronomer in Residence.

Ashley presentation 1

Residency Accomplishments

  • Interactive stargazing livestream with Lowell Observatory
  • 9th grade science talk at Grand Canyon School
  • 10 Public Programs to over 2,000 visitors
  • Created a visitor-particpated fiber-art piece of a light pollution map of the United States.
A man and a woman's headshots appear in circles. The words "Interactive Stargazing" appear upper right. The brown walls of Grand Canyon with swirling stars above in the background.
Dr. Ashley Pagnotta participated in a livestream Interactive Stargazing with Lowell Observatory during her residency.
A woman in a green shirt sits in front of a fiber art display. A boy with a red hoodie stands to its left. The display is mostly white, with small threads of color here and there.

Media Coverage for Dr. Pagnotta's Residency

College of Charleston professor takes to the stars in Grand Canyon residency - The Post and Courier

Last updated: May 14, 2024

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