UPDATE: Continued Mandatory Water Conservation at Grand Canyon National Park Due to Water System Issues

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Date: June 25, 2016
Contact: Kirby-Lynn Shedlowski, 928-638-7958

Grand Canyon, Ariz. – Grand Canyon National Park remains at mandatory Level 2 water conservation measures due to diminished water resources. At Level 2, mandatory measures require that all concessions operations switch to disposable dishes and utensils;alter menus to use less water for food prep and dish washing;adopt low water use for hotel room cleaning;serve drinking water at restaurants by request only;and allow the sale of individual bottles of water.

A break in the Transcanyon Pipeline has been repaired and water is flowing to the South Rim using a back-up pump. The primary pump at Indian Garden remains inoperable;it is anticipated that the pump will be operable by Monday. The combination of these situations has contributed to the diminished water resources and resulted in mandatory water conservation guidelines for all consumers on the South Rim. The North Rim is unaffected by these issues. Through diligent water conservation efforts in the first 24 hour period of Level 2 restrictions, the park and concessioners successfully decreased water consumption by over 10%.

Water is now available at Cottonwood Campground and Manzanita Rest Area. Day hikers and backpackers are always encouraged to carry a way to filter or treat creek water for drinking purposes. Phantom Ranch has returned to normal operations and water is now available at Bright Angel Campground and Boat Beach.

Mandatory water conservation includes not watering lawns/plants or washing cars;filling the sink with water while washing dishes;reporting drips, leaks or other water loss to appropriate offices;turning off the water while you shave or brush your teeth;running dishwashers or washing machines with only full loads- in eco mode if available;and taking shorter showers.All visitors and residents must implement water conservation measures immediately in homes, hotel rooms, and at the campgrounds. The public can call 928-638-7688 to listen to a recorded message with updates and additional information.

The National Park Service encourages all hikers to be prepared and to Hike Smart. More information is available on the park website at https://www.nps.gov/grca/planyourvisit/hike-tips.htm.



Last updated: June 25, 2016

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