Virtual Grand Canyon Star Party 2021

A black and white photo of the stars swirling around the north star. A tall cylindrical stone building appears to the left amongst small trees.

NPS Photo by Daniel Pawlak


Schedule: Virtual Grand Canyon Star Party 2021

Grand Canyon National Park and the Grand Canyon Conservancy invited everyone to the Virtual Grand Canyon Star Party which took place , June 5-12, 2021. While the on-site event at Grand Canyon National Park was cancelled on both rims due to concerns over COVID-19, the park brought the wonders of the night sky into the virtual realm through a series of video premieres on the park's Facebook and YouTube pages.

Over the course of the week, there were 8 special presentations by guest speakers - and virtual telescope sessions - in which astronomers connected video cameras to their telescopes and examined a number of celestial objects. The nightly telescope sessions lasted between 60 and 90 minutes. See the schedule of talks below:

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Mars 2020 - Perserverance

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46 minutes, 24 seconds

"Mars 2020 - Perseverance" presented by Aaron Yazzie, mechanical engineer for NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Aaron Yazzie is a Sequoyah Fellow and professional member American Indian Science and Engineering Society. Learn about the revolutionary new rover that landed on Mars from someone who helped build it. Discover the connections between Mars and the Navajo Nation from someone intimate with both lands.


Sunday, June 6, 2021

Southern Paiute Astronomy

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24 minutes, 12 seconds

"Southern Paiute Astronomy" presented by Autumn Gillard. Autumn is a dark sky ranger at Pipe Springs National Monument and a member of the Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah. Learn about her efforts to rediscover the rich history of Paiute astronomy, and how she navigates that traditional knowledge through contemporary society.


Monday, June 7, 2021

A Puebloan View of the Stars

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38 minutes, 14 seconds

"A Puebloan View of the Stars" presented by Ed Kabotie, artist and educator. Join Ed Kabotie as he shares heavenward perspectives as influenced by his Hopi and Tewa heritage.


Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Ancestral Puebloan Sun Calendars

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46 minutes, 40 seconds

"Ancestral Puebloan Sun Calendars" presented by Bryan Bates, co-founder of the Society for Cultural Astronomy in the American Southwest. Discover the diverse ways the ancestral peoples of Grand Canyon region used the landscape to create Sun calendars for agricultural and ceremonial purposes.


Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Zuni World View

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49 minutes, 2 seconds

"Zuni World View" presented by Kenny Bowekaty, archaeologist, preservation officer, tour guide for the Pueblo of Zuni, and Zuni spiritual leader. Discover the ways the Sun, Moon, and stars are woven into the Zuni world view, as revealed through spiritual leaders and Zuni prayer.


Thursday, June 10, 2021

A Conversation with Bertram Tsavadawa on Hopi Astronomy

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43 minutes, 43 seconds

"A Conversation with Bertam Tsavadawa" on Hopi Astronomy. Bertram is a katsina doll carver as well as a two-dimensional artist. He is a tour guide with Ancient Pathways Tours on the Hopi Mesas. His cultural understanding of Hopi astronomy has been passed down to him from his elders. His last name translates to "shortest Sun." Learn insights into Hopi astronomy through his conversation with Park Ranger Rader Lane.


Friday, June 11, 2021

Ancient Astronomers of the American West

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51 minutes, 26 seconds

"Ancient Astronomers of the American West" presented by Dr. David Koerner, retired professor of cultural astronomy at Northern Arizona University. Take a tour of the most amazing archaeoastronomical sites around the Four Corners region, and consider visiting them on your next visit to Grand Canyon.


Saturday, June 12, 2021

Seeing the Skies Through Navajo Eyes

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1 hour, 4 minutes, 58 seconds

"Seeing the Skies Through Navajo Eyes" presented by Dr. David Begay and Dr. Nancy Maryboy, authors of Sharing the Skies: Navajo Astronomy. From cosmology to constellations, discover the intimate connection the Diné (Navajo) people have with the skies over the Grand Canyon region and beyond.


Last updated: April 2, 2022

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