Learn About the Park

People inside a historic wood building with canoes.
Visitors learn about canoes and historic building trades in the Warehouse.

NPS Photo


With a spectacular setting next to Lake Superior, Grand Portage National Monument* is rich in natural and cultural history. The Park protects two depots of the North West Company – the main depot on Lake Superior and the site of Fort Charlotte on the Pigeon River. The eight-and-a-half mile Grand Portage trail connects the depots and contains most of the acreage of the Monument. From before the fur trade to the present, the Anishinaabe people, historians, and archaeologists have protected the artifacts, history, and cultural and natural heritage of Gitchi Onigamiing, the Great Carrying Place called Grand Portage.

* A national monument is intended to preserve at least one nationally significant resource.

Hands holding a charcoal drawing of a map on birchbark.

News releases disseminate important information about the park.

A man bent over a pile of wood kindling.
Photos & Multimedia

View photo galleries, the park film, and virtual tours.

A historic brown and white sign.
History & Culture

The historic portage is the reason for Grand Portage National Monument.

A brown, furry mammal in water, only the head showing.
Nature & Science

Learn about the southern boreal forest and the mid-continent rift.

A costumed interpreter gives a program outdoors to a group of visitors.

Living history interpreters tell the story of Grand Portage, and teach historic and cultural skills to visitors.

Three kids watch a costumed interpreter cook over an outdoor fire.
Kids & Youth

Pick up your Junior Ranger book and learn about the Monument.

The wooden supports of a dock under construction.

Laws & Policies, Your Dollars at Work

Interior view of tables and display racks with merchandise.
Park Store

The Monument's bookstore is America's National Parks, which operates small bookstores in over 150 parks and other public lands nationwide.

Last updated: January 11, 2023

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 426
Grand Portage, MN 55605


(218) 475-0123

Contact Us