Birds Found Near Water

Gulls standing on a dock with stormy waves.
Gulls are commonly seen in all weather.

NPS Photo

Creeks, Ponds, and Lakes

As you walk around the historic site out to the dock, you'll notice birds out in the bay. Many of these are gayaashkwag (Herring Gulls) or nikag (Canada geese). Look closely and you might see a Common Merganser or a Common Loon. Kingfishers perch in the trees along Grand Portage Creek. If you are able to walk the Grand Portage Trail up to the Meadow, listen for wetland birds, like manoominikeshiinh (Sora)*. A place where forest meets water, the Pigeon River, is an excellent place to hear/see most of the birds of Grand Portage National Monument.

*manoominikeshiinh = rice bird, manoomin = rice Anishinaabe names tend to be descriptive. Soras inhabit wild rice beds and other marshy areas.


Anishinaabe & Scientific Names

NOTE: Ojibwe (Anishinaabe) names for plants, animals, and parts of the earth are very descriptive and often vary across communities. In some instances, there is a base name that is common and depending on the circumstance a speaker will add a bit more about the color, size, or actions that are observed.

Anishinaabe & Scientific Names
Anishinaabe Name Common Name Scientific Name Abundance Status

Last updated: May 16, 2024

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P.O. Box 426
Grand Portage, MN 55605


(218) 475-0123

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