Future Fee-Funded Projects

The National Park Service plans fees projects five years in advance so that there is sufficient time to plan, design, complete compliance, and execute projects benefiting visitors in the park. Plans can change as funding fluctuates and agency and park priorities shift, and emergency repairs can defer planned projects. The primary focus of the park is to leverage fee dollars to address the park’s over $60 million dollar maintenance backlog.

2023 Projects

  1. Rehabilitation and adaptive reuse of the Mine Loading Building - next to the Mine Storeroom in the Fort Pickens Historic District, the park is currently working to restore and reuse this building for exhibits.

  2. Major roof replacement - This project began in November 2023 and will replace asphalt shingle roofs and skylight at Fort Barrancas Visitor Center.
  3. Replacement of wayside panels in the Florida and Mississippi Areas of the national seashore.
  4. Rehabilitation of historic picnic pavilion in the Davis Bayou Area.
  5. Rehabilitation and exterior painting of Battery Cooper, Fort Pickens, Advanced Redoubt, and Fort Barrancas.
  6. Remodel and repairs of Fort Barrancas restrooms.
  7. New accessible picnic tables at the Opal Beach Complex.

Additional Projects Planned for 2024 and beyond.

  1. Repair of the Perdido Key Nature boardwalk in Florida and Nature's Way boardwalk in Mississippi.
  2. Refurbish and install new exhibits in Battery Cooper, Mineloading building, Fort Pickens Visitor Center and Santa Rosa Life-Saving Station.
  3. New black history waysides in Florida and Mississippi districts.

Your Fee Dollars at Work

  • A massive concrete structure surrounded by vegetation sits on a beach.
    Historic Preservation

    Fee dollars fund critical historic preservation projects ensuring the long-term protection historic structures.

  • A crane lowers a restroom structure on to a foundation in a park setting.
    Repair and Replacement

    Fee dollars provide funding for critical infrastructure needs including repairing and replacing visitor structures and facilities.

  • Old sun-damaged wayside panels lean on their frames which now hold new panels overlooking wetlands.
    Visitor Experience Projects

    When possible, you fee dollars fund projects that improve the visitor experience throughout the national seashore.


Last updated: January 19, 2024

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1801 Gulf Breeze Parkway
Gulf Breeze, FL 32563



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