Every Kid Outdoors

Every Kid Outdoors
NPS / Every Kid Outdoors

The Every Kid Outdoors program aims to create opportunities for 4th graders to experience their federal public lands and waters. As part of the initiative, Hampton National Historic Site and our partners are offering free, cirriculum-based field trips for 4th grade classes, especially those in underserved communities.

The Every Kid Outdoors (formerly known as Every Kid in a Park) was created in 2015 to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the National Park Service in 2016. Funding is provided by the National Park Foundation's "Ticket to Ride" program, which provides transportation and educational materials for students in underserved schools.

More information can be found on the Every Kid Outdoors website.


Field Trips

4th grade teachers can plan an Every Kid Outdoor field trip to Hampton by scheduling a trip through our Group Arrangements coordinator. Please review general information about planning field trips at Hampton before making arrangements.

Every Kid Outdoor field trips typically last 2-3 hours and include a guided tour of the Lower Farm, Mansion, and grounds. Students will learn about the history of Hampton as a study of Maryland and U.S. during the post-Revolution and Antbellum periods. Topics include industry and labor, major political and cultural changes, and the study of landscape as symbols of wealth and status.

Cirriculum materials are provided by the park. Students break for lunch either in the middle or at the end of the program. Lunches are not provided as part of the program.

Virtual and In-Person Open Outdoors for Kids (OOK) Field Trips

Hampton National Historic Site offers a variety of educational and academic resources and opportunities.

Open Outdoors for Kids provides free field trips to Fort McHenry, Hampton National Historic Site or Carrie Murray Nature Center for 4th grade students in Baltimore City Schools and 4th grade students at all Title I Schools in Maryland. For this year only, the program will also work with teachers who participated in a virtual trip in school year 2020-2021, regardless of grade. If you do not meet these criteria but are still interested in learning more about how your students can participate, indicate that on the sign up form.

Fort McHenry NM&HS offers The Fort and Beyond in 1814, which emphasizes diverse stories of the Fort and its surrounding neighborhoods during the War of 1812.

Hampton NHS offeres Asking Questions of the Past, which emphasizes experiences of enslaved individuals and families in terms of labor, building community, freedom seeking, and legacy.

For information on Carrie Murray’s offerings, see here. The field trip experience at both sites can include the following options:

  • Virtual Only: Park staff will Zoom into your classroom from the site and tour the students around with close-ups on artifacts, buildings, and landscapes. Students are encouraged to ask questions throughout the presentation.

  • In-Person Only: At Fort McHenry, this will be self-guided until restrictions are lifted (likely in winter or spring). There will be no large gatherings for flag talks or flag changes, but materials will be given to teachers for scavenger hunts and small group discussion. At Hampton, small groups will receive fully guided tours of the farm and mansion sides of the property which will include access to most buildings. Some spaces will be temporarily closed due to COVID restrictions.

  • Virtual Pre-Visit and In-Person Visit: Allows for ranger-led discussions and virtual access to behind the scenes spaces over Zoom, then the live experience of exploring the site in person.

Students who attend the program will be given a free 4th Grade Annual Pass. The pass is valid for the year that the student is in 4th grade and grants free admission for the student and three adults to all federal public lands.

2020 4th grade pass

4th Grade Annual Pass

The 4th Grade Annual Pass provides admission to all federal public lands for one year and is valid for the year that the passholder (student) is in 4th grade.

Students need not attend a field trip to Hampton to recieve this free pass. The passes are also available to all 4th graders (including home-schooled and free-choice learners 10 years of age) at any park that charges an entrance fee. In order to recieve a pass, students must first complete an online actiity on the Every Kid Outdoors website to recieve a voucher. The voucher can be turned in at any park that charges a fee in exchange for the Annual 4th Grade Pass. Please visit the Every Kid Outdoors website for information on eligiblity and instructions on how to obtain a voucher and free pass.

Please note that Hampton is not a sales outlet for annual passes, and cannot exchange vouchers for passes. Please visit the National Park Service's website for a list of sites that issue passes.

Last updated: December 20, 2022

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

535 Hampton Lane
Towson, MD 21286


410-962-4290 (option 2)

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