Day Hike - Kīpukapuaulu

Kīpukapuaulu Trail
Kīpukapuaulu Trail

NPS Photo/Dave Boyle

Kīpukapuaulu Trailhead
Kīpukapuaulu Trailhead

NPS Photo/S. Geiger

This 1.2 mile (1.9km) loop trail reveals a story of struggle and survival for some of the rarest plants and animals in Hawaiʻi.

The walk will take you through a "kīpuka", an area of older vegetation surrounded by a more recent lava flow from Mauna Loa.

  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Distance and hiking time: 1.2 mile (1.9km) loop, 1.0 - 1.5 hours.
  • Trail begins at the Kīpukapuaulu parking area. The trail is a dirt path with gentle inclines and declines. Note: dogs, horses and bicycles are prohibited on this trail.
  • Bring: Water, hat, sunscreen and rain gear. Be prepared for sometimes hot, wet or windy weather conditions.

Restrooms (pit toilets) are available nearby at the picnic area.

Kīpukapuaulu Trail Guide (pdf 6.18MB)



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