Green Room

A room with bamboo printed wallpaper and a brass bed.
NPS Photo

One of the most enchanting rooms at Springwood, the Green Room occupies an octagonal bay on the west side of the house, above the Smoking Room. The bamboo print wallpaper in this room is the only original paper still hanging in the house. All other wallpapers are reproductions of the original paper faded by time or ruined by a fire that damaged the house in the early 1980s. Famous guests who occupied this room include Prime Minister Mackenzie King of Canada, Secretary of Commerce Harry Hopkins, and FDR's law partner Harry Hooker. FDR's secretaries, Grace Tully and Missy Lehand used this room at different times. And the Roosevelts' granddaughter Eleanor occupied this room for a time when she was old enough to leave the third floor children's rooms.

Last updated: July 14, 2021

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