Vital Sign Videos

These Vital Sign Videos are housed on the Alaska NPS YouTube Channel.
Audio described versions of these videos are available on this channel.

Landscape Processes

  • A video about ice wedge polygons in the Arctic.
    Ice Wedges

    Ice wedges resemble a giant quilt when seen from the air and form only where permafrost is found.

  • An Arctic landscape with permafrost tundra, pingo, and lake.

    Pingos are hills that rise abruptly out of flat Arctic landscapes formed by ice expansion.

  • Landscape Ecologist inspects a permafrost thaw slump.
    Permafrost Slumps in 3D

    When permafrost thaws, the results can include huge crater-like landforms called thermokarst slumps. We map the slumps in 3D.

  • A video about thermokarst in Alaska's Arctic.
    Thermokarst in Alaska's Arctic

    Permafrost underlies most of Alaska's Arctic. Thawing of permafrost produces pits, ponds, lakes, slumps and landslides

  • A video about aufeis.
    Aufeis in Alaska's Arctic

    Also known as "icing," aufeis forms by the overflow and freezing of water during the winter.

  • A video about how we measure phenology in Arctic parks.
    Seasonal Changes in Arctic Parks

    Images from remote cameras at climate stations help us document seasonal changes across Arctic parks.


  • A bright yellow tree stands out against a black and while background.
    Birch, Aspen, and Poplar

    Arctic and subarctic hardwood forests are made up of just three tree species: aspen, birch, and poplar. Learn more about them.

  • A black spruce forest.
    Black Spruce

    Black spruce is well adapted to life in the north. It can survive in many places other trees can't.

  • A field of cotton grass in tundra.
    Tundra Tussocks

    Tussocks are small mounds commonly found in the Arctic tundra. Most are made by a sedge, cotton grass, that thrives in the cold, wet Arctic.



  • A Yellow-billed Loon on incubating its nest.
    Alaska's Yellow-billed Loons

    Yellow-billed Loons raise their young in Arctic Alaska, each year. We monitor the breeding population in Arctic parks. See video playlist.

  • Dall's sheep ram.
    Counting Sheep in Alaska

    Dall's sheep, are indicators of large-scale change in the alpine environment. Click here to see the video playlist for sheep studies.

  • A sky crowded with birds in flight.
    The Great Journey North

    Over 160 species of birds migrate to Bering Land Bridge National Preserve. Explore their journey and motivations.

Last updated: May 16, 2024