Luther Martins Point of View

Rufus King, delegate from Massachusetts
Charles Willson Peale, 1818

Independence National Historical Park

Luther Martin's Point of View

"Our govt. is weak and languid and inefficient to support the great objects of civil institutions and personal liberty and property of the subject. You of the federal Convention must invent some plan to increase the circulation of the heart, and thereby displace heat and vigor to the extremities..."

- Christopher Gore to Massachusetts delegate Rufus King

According to Madison's Notes, "Mr. Rutledge (SC) moved to postpone the sixth Resolution defining the powers of Congress: in order to take up the 7 and 8 which involved the most fundamental points; the rules of suffrage in the two branches,..."

Mr. Luther Martin

from nypl

Mr. Luther Martin (MD) then took the floor, and held it for the entire day with a long, rambling and passionate speech, the point of which was that the General Government was meant to represent state governments, not people, and that the Articles of Confederation should be retained.

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Thursday, June 28, 1787
Franklin's Proposal for Prayer

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Last updated: February 26, 2015

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