Photographic Reproduction Services

Library & Archives - Photographic Reproduction Services

Photograph reproduction services are available at reasonable rates. In order to request services, please:

  • review the Price List and submit a written request for services according to the instructions contained in the price list;
  • complete the Order Form and submit along with your request;
  • complete and submit a Permission to Use Application along with your request.

Researchers are advised to comply with U.S. copyright law concerning use of photographic reproductions and photocopying of archival materials. Please read the copyright and privacy restrictions below.

Copyright and Privacy Restrictions
The copyright law of the United Sates (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted materials. The various state privacy acts govern the use of materials that document private individuals, groups, and corporations.

Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a reproduction if the document does not infringe the privacy rights of an individual, group, or corporation. These specified conditions of authorized use include:

  • Non-commercial and non-profit study, scholarship, or research, or teaching
  • Criticism, commentary, or news reporting
  • As a National Park Service preservation or security copy
  • As a research copy for deposit in another institution

If I, the researcher, later use a copy or reproduction for purposes in excess of “fair use,” I, the researcher, am personally liable for copyright, privacy, or publicity infringement and agree to indemnify the National Park Service from any legal action as a result of the error. The National Park Service’s permission to obtain a photographic, xerographic, digital, or other copy of a document doesn’t indicate permission to publish, exhibit, perform, reproduce, sell, distribute, or prepare derivative works from this document without first obtaining permission from the copyright holder and from any private individual, group, or corporation shown or otherwise recorded.

Permission to publish, exhibit, perform, reproduce, prepare derivative works from, sell, or otherwise distribute the item must be obtained by the researcher separately in writing from the holder of the original copyright (or if the creator is dead from his/her heirs) as well as from any individual(s), groups, or corporations whose name, image, recorded words, or private information (e.g., employment information) may be reproduced from in the source material. The holder of the original copyright isn’t necessarily the National Park Service. The National Park Service is not legally liable for copyright, privacy, or publicity infringement when materials are wrongfully used after being provided to researchers for “fair use.”
This institution reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying order if fulfillment of the order is judged in violation of copyright or federal or state privacy or publicity law. This institution also places restrictions on the use of cameras, photocopiers, and scanners in the research room.

I, the researcher, understand and agree to the above terms and will indemnify, defend, save, and hold the National Park Service harmless from all claims, demands, losses, or damages (including attorney’s fees and expenses) arising out of any legal action, settlement, or adjustment resulting from my not having followed the guidelines provided above.

Last updated: July 9, 2024

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