Teacher Workshops

TeacherWorkshop at DC
Teachers at a workshop at the park use equipment and collect data on park resources.

NPS-Kim Swift

Working in partnership with Dunes Learning Center and the Great Lakes Research and Education Center, we offer a series of workshops every year for classroom teachers, non-formal educators, homeschool teachers, or just local citizens wanting to learn more about regional issues. Workshop fees include the cost of meals, lodging (if applicable) as well as materials and resources to take home. Register for workshops at https://duneslearningcenter.org/events.

Illinois teachers can receive continuing education units (CEUs) for participating in these workshops. Indiana teachers can receive professional growth points (PGPs). Indiana University Northwest (IUN) and Chicago State University (CSU) will offer one hour of graduate credit for the workshops for an extra fee. For university credit, register with IUN through their website https://www.iun.edu/ and with CSU by phoning Mike Siola at 773-995-2964.

Last updated: March 18, 2020

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219 395-1882
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