Can You Leave No Trace?

Father and young daughter sitting on a bench looking out into the harbor.
Visitors big and small can leave an impact on Isle Royale. How will you reduce yours?



Leave No Trace is a set of guidelines that teaches you how to make good decisions outdoors.

By following Leave No Trace, we can take care of Isle Royale! To find out what it means to Leave No Trace, click on the boxes below.


The sunrising over a small island with storm clouds in the sky.


The weather forecast says it will be mid-70s and sunny during your trip to Isle Royale. What clothes will you pack?

A. A heavy jacket and lots of warm layers.

B. Some lighter layers of clothing, and a rain jacket just in case.

C. Shorts and a t-shirt, it’s going to be hot on the trails!


A campsite with a picnic table in the woods.


You finally arrived at Daisy Farm Campground! You got one of the last campsites off in the woods. You were really hoping you could camp near the water. What do you do?

A. Walk around and try to find a flat spot to set your tent up closer to the water.

B. Create your own campsite by removing some of the plants and branches near the water.

C. Camp in the designated campsite. Enjoy eating dinner on the dock instead.


Close up of a hand holding a water bottle in the woods.


You find a water bottle on the ground at Washington Creek campground. What will you do?

A. Leave it there.

B. Pack it out with you. Turn it into the lost and found at the visitor center.

C. Throw it out when you find a trash can.


A shiny agate with shades of orange, white, and tan, on a rocky beach.


While walking along the shore at Rainbow Cove, you find a colorful, shiny rock. It's one of the prettiest rocks you've ever seen! What do you do with it?

A. Take a picture of it and leave it on the beach.

B. Put it in your pocket and take it home.

C. Throw it in the water.


An illegal campfire in the ground at a campground.


When you settle into your campsite at Hatchet Lake, you see burn marks from a campfire on the ground. At the beginning of your trip, a park ranger said campfires should only be in fire rings or grills. What do you do?

A. Have a fire - someone else did it, so that must mean I can too!

B. Ignore it. Leave the burn pile for someone else.

C. Take a picture of it to show a ranger, then scatter the burned logs in the nearby woods.


A red fox standing at a trail head in the distance.


You are camping at Siskiwit Bay and you notice a red fox spending time around the campground. You and your friend are going down to the dock after a snack. He says it’s ok to leave food on the picnic table. What do you do?

A. Pack your food away in your bags and put your bags in your tent.

B. Leave your food out on the picnic table.

C. Put your food back in its container but leave it on the picnic table.


Northern lights with its green coloring across the night sky.


Wow! You look at the night sky and see the northern lights are out! You want to find a better viewing spot, but it's quite dark outside. What will you do?

A. Bring a bright flashlight to light up the path.

B. Use a headlamp with a red light mode to see where you’re going.

C. Stumble through the darkness hoping not to run into a moose.


A cartoon of a boy hiking.

Good job!

Now you can show off your Leave No Trace skills when you spend time outside!


Last updated: April 9, 2024

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