Song Dog Native Plant Nursery

Song Dog Nursery
A volunteer holds a potted plant in an enclosed greenhouse space.


Native Plants, Thriving Ecosystems.

Lake Mead National Recreation Area's Song Dog Native Plant Nursery was established in 1993 and was sprouted from the need of having genetically native plant materials, or seeds, on hand from all parts of the park. The park uses collected seeds to plan restoration projects and conduct plantings in disturbed areas.

The nursery has expanded to not only support all the native plant restoration and vegetation efforts at the park, but also assists with projects throughout the Mojave Desert for several different local, state, and federal agencies. One recent project was after the Cima Dome fire scarred the desert landscape at nearby Mojave National Preserve. The Song Dog Native Plant Nursery helped grow 3,000 Joshua trees for Mojave National Preserve.

The Song Dog Native Plant Nursery wouldn't be able to sustain the number of partnerships and restoration projects without its dedicated volunteers.

The Song Dog Nursery is not open to the public, but those interested in volunteering can learn about opportunities by visiting our volunteering page.


Between 2021 and 2022 the Song Dog Nursery accomplished the following:

2022 Song Dog Nursery Statistics
A graphic shows accomplishments that the Song Dog nursery achieved in fiscal year 2022.

Graphic - NPS/A. Harrison

Last updated: September 25, 2023

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601 Nevada Way
Boulder City, NV 89005


702 293-8990
Emergency: Dial 911 (24 hours); Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: Dial 988 (24 hours); Visitor and Recreation Information: Dial 702-293-8990; Park Business and Administration: Dial 702-293-8906.

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