Fire Management

Aerial photograph of smoke rising from a forest with a lake
2005 Prescribed Burn near Horseshoe Lake.

Wildland fire has long been recognized as one of the most significant natural processes operating within and shaping the northern Sierra Nevada and southern Cascade Mountain ecosystems. Virtually all vegetation communities show evidence of fire dependence or tolerance. Many forest types in the park have been shaped by frequent fire return intervals (ranging from 5-16 years) as evidenced by park research. At the same time, wildland fire has the potential to threaten human lives and property. Fire management requires balancing the risks and benefits of fire in our wildlands. Lassen Volcanic's Fire Management Program addresses the specific priorities, challenges, and approaches that are most likely to be effective in the park.


Fire Management Strategies

Lassen Volcanic employes five fire management strategies to acheive its resource management and fire management goals. The program of action for the next 10 years is outlined in the park's Fire Management Plan.


Fire Management Plan

Lassen Volcanic National Park (LAVO) Fire Management Plan (3.3 MB, PDF)
The Fire Management Plan (FMP) defines the program of wildland fire management for Lassen Volcanic National Park. The plan describes objectives and tasks covering a 10-year timeframe for using five fire management strategies to achieve desired natural and cultural resource conditions while also protecting park resources and adjacent lands and values at risk from the negative impacts of fire.


Current Fire Management Projects


Wildland Fire Management Goals (Abbreviated)

  1. Ensure that firefighter and public safety are the first priority.
  2. Restore and maintain desired fire regimes.
  3. Protect cultural resources.
  4. Protect sensitive park resources.
  5. Reduce hazardous accumulations of fuels near developments.
  6. Maintain preparedness for fire response.
  7. Coordinate with other park divisions and neighboring agencies.
  8. Ensure that financial costs are commensurate with protection or enhancement of resource and wilderness values.
  9. Integrate fire management activities with all other aspects of park management and operations.

Last updated: November 16, 2023

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530 595-4480

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