
W. Brown Morton III Interview Clip #1: Waterford, Va. NHL Oral History Project

National Historic Landmarks


BROWN MORTON: I remember adopting as a personal goal for myself. I made a map of the historic district and all of its boundaries. And then one by one by one, I filled in where there were easements. And my goal was to get the whole boundary eased. I did not succeed in that, but we got quite well into it in that some neighbors were anxious to help, and others were less anxious to help.


W. Brown Morton III, a former Waterford resident and current professor of historic preservation recalls setting a personal goal to create a map of the whole district and all its boundaries, and to fill in all the easements with the goal of protecting the whole are with easements. He recalls that some neighbors were more anxious to help in his efforts while others were less interested.


NPS / University of Delaware, Center for Historic Architecture and Design staff, December 2019

Date Created


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