
Elephant Seal - Mating Attempt - January 23, 2021 - Point Reyes National Seashore

Point Reyes National Seashore

Descriptive Transcript

A large bull elephant seal lies directly adjacent to a smaller female elephant seal on a hard sand beach. The bull moves directly to the side of the cow, places his flipper over her back and bites her neck. He tries to leverage his considerable weight advantage, using his head and upper body to pin down the less-than-receptive cow. The cow can and does resist by wriggling, vocalizing, and using her flipper to throw sand on the bull as she does not appear receptive to mating.


A 22-second-long video of an adult bull elephant seal attempting to mate with an unwilling adult female elephant seal. Video taken on January 23, 2021.


22.456 seconds


NPS / Ellen Greenblatt

Date Created


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