
Park It Forward - 2023 Proposed Fee Changes

Great Smoky Mountains National Park


Hi, I’m Cassius Cash, Superintendent of Great Smoky Mountains National Park. If you've been to the Smokies, you know how really special it is. This is a place that gives. It gives millions of people relaxation, restoration, and inspiration. I share with folks all the time, when I go for a hike, I always come out of the woods feeling better than when I went in. And I’m thankful for the sacrifice it took to create this park nearly 90 years ago. That sacrifice began with the Cherokee people, who lived on these tribal lands. That was followed by the sacrifice of the mountain settlers who gave up their communities, their homes, and basically their way of life. These sacrifices gave us a place where people from around the world now come and create their own memories and traditions. But as the park keeps giving to more and more people every year, it’s putting a strain on the Smokies. Folks, we’re at a crossroads now in how we look to the future. When I came here, we had 10.1 million visitors, the most-visited national park in the country. Now there's 14.1 million people coming to the park. As you would imagine, it requires more resources to deal with the extra wear-and-tear on our trails, our picnic areas, restrooms, and our historic cabins. The park is feeling the strain. Our staff is feeling the strain. The good news is that we have a solution. We call it "Park It Forward." And we need your help. Our plan is to charge a modest fee for parking that will generate critical revenue to protect the Smokies. This is a real opportunity for each person who visits and uses the park to contribute towards its upkeep. It will provide a sustainable year-round source of funding for the park to meet the needs of today and tomorrow. I invite you to review the plan and share your input. This park was built on sacrifice and people working together. The people of North Carolina and Tennessee have carried the weight for creating the park. Now it’s time to call on the country - the millions of visitors who enjoy this space - to help shoulder the responsibility for its care into the future. It is time to give back to the park that gives so much to all of us.


Superintendent Cassius Cash discusses the Smokies Parking Tag program.


2 minutes, 33 seconds



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