
Explain Yourself: Vegetation Program Technician

Crown of the Continent Research Learning Center

Descriptive Transcript

[Audio description: Suzy, a young woman with light skin and long curly blond hair, wearing a red National Park Service hoodie, sits at a picnic table outdoors, Flats of bright green young plants sit behind her. Kylie sits across from her but is off camera. As she talks, Suzy smiles, raises her eyebrows and gestures with her hands. At the end of the video, she and Kylie high five.

[Suzy]: My name is Suzy, and I'm a biological science technician, working at the native plant nursery.

[Kylie]: All right, so now I want to play a game...[game show music fades in] and I want you to tell us what you do for the park, using only the ten hundred most-used words in the English language.

[Suzy]: Okay. okay. I... collect [wrong answer buzzer] plant seed [wrong answer buzzer].

[Kylie]: Can't say plant.

[Suzy]: Oh, no! I find...seeds? [wrong answer buzzer]

[Kylie]: Can't say seeds.

[Suzy]: I find...Parts of trees. [Right answer chime] That are important for restoration. [Wrong answer buzzer]

[Kylie] Can’t say restoration but I appreciate the try...[laughing]

[Suzy]: I find parts of trees in the park that are important for ecosystems? [Wrong answer buzzer]

[Kylie]: Can't say ecosystems.

[Suzy]: Okay. wildlife? [wrong answer buzzer]

[Kylie]: Can't say wildlife.

[Suzy]: The environment. [wrong answer buzzer]

[Kylie]: Can't say environment.

[Suzy]: Okay. the land. [Right answer chime] I find parts of trees in the park that we bring back and grow... so that we can return...? [Right answer chime]

[Kylie] Yeah.

[Suzy]: So that we can return them to the land. [Right answer chime] We find parts of trees that are important to the land to bring back and grow them, so we can put them back in the land.

[Kylie]: Awesome!!

[Suzy]: Suzi, nice job! Cool!

[Victorious music]



The first rule of plants is: you do not talk about plants (or at least in this game, you can't use the word!).

Suzy works at the Native Plant Nursery that helps to grow and revegetate native plants to restore areas of Glacier National Park after disturbances.

Root for her as she’s challenged to describe her role in Glacier using only the 1000 most common words in the English language.


1 minute, 30 seconds


NPS / Renata Harrison

Date Created


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