
Schooner Ernestina-Morrissey AD Tour

New Bedford Whaling National Historical Park


00:00:00:00 - 00:00:32:21
Speaker 1
Text - Stepping Aboard. Stepping aboard the Schooner Ernestina-Morissey. Looking Up. Looking up into the sky, there are two large poles called mast. The mast hold large fabric sails and ropes. Text - Starboard Side. The viewer moves forward on the starboard side and turns to the right. Text - Starboard Side. The viewer continues towards the stern. The viewer stops and turn slowly, displaying the top of the hatch to the captain's cabin.

00:00:32:23 - 00:00:54:03
Speaker 1
Her head is the large wooden steering wheel, text starboard side and stern. Standing at the wheel. The viewer looks out to the stern. A length of coiled rope sits on the deck on the right. Text - Stern. The viewer turns to the bow. Cylindrical life raft containers are placed symmetrically along the railings. Text - Portside. The viewer proceeds along the walkway of the deck.

00:00:54:06 - 00:01:12:24
Speaker 1
Canvas sails are folded and tightly bound to the heavy wooden beam, which runs parallel to the deck, suspended from the mast. Text - Portside. The viewer pans over the top of the main hatch and continues in the direction of the bow. The movement pauses beside an additional hatch in the middle of the deck, which has been propped open. Text - Portside.

00:01:12:27 - 00:01:34:27
Speaker 1
The bow is crowded with tightly coiled ropes and pulleys that operate the rigging. Text - Portside and Bow. The deck comes to a gentle point at the ship's front, and the viewer crosses the deck to the starboard side. Text - Starboard Side and Bow. The viewer moves under the boom to a ladder, descending into the ship. Text - Heading Below Deck. Entering the fo’c’sle (sleeping area) and kitchen area of the ship.

00:01:34:29 - 00:01:56:12
Speaker 1
The viewer descends down the hatch, past a fire extinguisher and other safety equipment. Suspended from the ceiling is a net containing a mix of fruits and vegetables. A table runs down the middle of the room. Rows of beds set into the walls are topped with a single pillow. Text - fo’c’sle (sleeping area) 12 bunk bed style sleeping area stacked in two rows along each wall.

00:01:56:14 - 00:02:18:12
Speaker 1
On the starboard side of the steep staircase, a metal countertop holds two coffee makers and a microwave. A chore wheel and whiteboard hung on the portside wall, and a half open door makes a small bathroom visible. The viewer steps behind the staircase into the kitchen. A packed spice rack is mounted above the spotless sink. Square cabinet doors made of light wood are installed above the counter.

00:02:18:14 - 00:02:42:18
Speaker 1
Standing in the kitchen, the view returns and faces the bow, revealing a stove top with a frying pan and kettle. Text - Kitchen and Bathroom. The viewer faces the bathroom on the portside of the hold. A door is propped open, obscuring the bathroom and revealing an additional hold space. Shelves stocked with dry goods are built into one wall, and the staircase rises from the center of the room, beside the goods and opposite a sink.

00:02:42:25 - 00:03:06:27
Speaker 1
More bunks are fitted with accessible life jackets on the table. Ropes tied with elaborate knots rest in a row. Text - Crew Area. This room contains storage space for food, a sink, storage/seating boxes. Six additional sleeping bunk beds with two long tables for the crew to gather or eat at. The viewer passes the bunks, revealing a bookshelf stocked with books.

00:03:06:29 - 00:03:34:24
Speaker 1
They move to another door with a porthole window that has been left ajar. The viewer enters and stops in front of a fuze box on the starboard wall. Two distribution panels, each with three display screens, are labeled, as well as buttons for ground, full indicator and reset, and two wooden handles. Text - Engine Room. Surrounding the engine are rows of neatly arranged tools, valves, wires, meters, pipes, tanks and safety equipment, ensuring easy access for the crew.

00:03:34:26 - 00:03:54:24
Speaker 1
The engine, connected to a number of wires and pipes, matches the white plastic of the engine room ladder in front of it to a door and up three wooden steps as the captain's cabin. Text - Captain's Quarters. It serves as the captain's personal space for rest, work, and decision making while at sea. Recessed storage compartments in the walls are covered by short blue curtains.

00:03:55:01 - 00:04:17:13
Speaker 1
A bench lined the room, a light wood table, holds a sewing machine. The viewer turns to face the bow. A tall desk with a printer, monitor and radio equipment takes up the entire wall. Text, - Captain's Quarters Radio Controls. Radio controls to communicate with others while at sea. The viewer turns to face the stern and ascends the staircase out of the captain's hatch into the bright light of day.

00:04:17:15 - 00:04:40:21
Speaker 1
At the rear of the deck stands the ship's wheel. Beneath the boom and facing the bow, the viewer can see the length of the schooner, as well as the radio controls encased in a box beside the captain's hatch and the worn plaque with the name Ernestina. A sign reads, Crew Only. The viewer turns in a circle surveying the clean deck, crisscrossed by taut rigging and coiled ropes anchored to posts on either side of the wheel.

00:04:40:24 - 00:04:43:01
Speaker 1
Text - End of Tour.



Welcome to the Schooner Ernestina-Morrissey Audio Described Tour. This tour provides brief descriptions of the ship's physical spaces, including the deck, cabins, and various equipment on board, allowing you to visualize the layout and structure of this historic schooner.


4 minutes, 45 seconds


NPS Video

Date Created


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