Battle of Sitka
Photo of the Battle of Sitka
Battle of Sitka
Louis S. Glanzman, 1988
Painting, acrylic on canvas
H 75, W 125 cm
SITK 9664
Sitka National Historical Park
Photo Credit: D. Curl, Sitka National Historical Park
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The Battle of Sitka, a painting by Louis S. Glanzman, depicts details of the 1804 battle between invading Russian forces and Kiks.ádi Tlingit at the mouth of Indian River in what is now Sitka National Historical Park. K 'alyaan, the legendary Kiks.ádi warrior depicted in the scene, wears a raven war helmet, and wields a Russian blacksmith's hammer captured from the Russians two years earlier. In 2004, on the bicentennial of the battle, Kiks.ádi and Russian descendents met again in Sitka National Historical Park at the site of the battle to commemorate the event, this time at the invitation of the Kiks.ádi.

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