For Teachers

Into the Redwood Forest Applications for the 2023-2024 school year are closed. Applications will be open from mid-August to mid-September.

Rings, Ripples and Echoes applications are closed and will reopen from September to December.

If you are interested in an independent experience for your group, please fill out the
Education Reservation Request Form and submit it to Please allow at least two weeks for us to process your requests. For more information, please visit each program's page.

Whether you want your class to experience a self guided opportunity, or would like an education program with a Ranger, a variety of opportunities are available for educational groups hoping to learn about Muir Woods and the majestic Coast Redwood trees. The goals and principles of these programs confirm Golden Gate's commitment to inclusive and relevant inquiry-based learning linked to school curricula. All programs are free.

Ranger-Led and Self-Guided Programs:

light shining through the canopy into a redwood forest
Into the Redwood Forest program

3rd - 4th grade ranger-led education program

high water rushes through a full creek in a redwood forest
Rings, Ripples, and Echoes program

K - 5th grade self-guided education program


Academic Fee Waivers

Guide for Education Reservation Request Form Application: Suitable for educational groups seeking to visit.

  1. Download and review the Education Reservation Request Form

  1. Complete Section 1, 2, and 5 of Fee Waiver Application using the following instructions. Please leave Section 3 and 4 blank.

Section 1: Complete every box in this section and follow these instructions:

  1. Under the “Does anyone in your classroom need any accommodations?” and "Describe need” box, please let us know if anyone in your classroom needs any special help, such as accessibility, language, or special needs.

Section 2: Complete every box in this section and follow these instructions:

1.Under the “Program or Subject Requested/Self-Guided” box, please let us know if you want a self guided program or Rings, Ripples and Echoes (short introductions may be available for your group, but tours are not available).

2.Under the “Mode of Transportation” box, please let us know how you will get to the park, such as by bus or car. Please let us know the size of your vehicle (in feet).

* Please note: Only buses under 30ft may take Muir Woods Road between Panoramic Highway and the Muir Woods National Monument entrance. Buses over 30ft but smaller than 35ft are allowed into the park only via Highway 1 by taking Muir Woods Road (also known as Frank Valley Road) from the west. No vehicles longer than 35ft are allowed according to the regulation of the California Highway Patrol (CHP)

Section 5: Complete every box in this section and make sure to attach requested documents when you submit your application.:

1.Leave the Academic Fee Waiver blank if students are under 15.
Muir Woods collects entrance fees for visitors that are 16 years of age and older. Children 15 years of age and under may enter for free. Please complete Section 5 to request an academic fee waiver only if your group contains students 16 years of age and older.

2.We will only request your group to fill out the fee waiver section 5, if you expect a ratio exceeding 1 adult per 5 students for your class. For example if you have a class of 20 students and you have more than 4 chaperones, we expect you to complete section 5.

CERTIFICATION: Academic fee waivers are not granted automatically. Applicant groups must show they qualify for the waiver. There are three criteria the group must meet to qualify for an academic fee waiver:

  1. Eligibility: Your institution must be officially recognized or accredited as an educational institution by a federal, state, or local government, or you must provide other documentation attesting to your educational status, such as an accreditation letter or educational tax-exempt letter.

  1. Educational Purpose: You must verify how this visit supports a specific curriculum for which academic credit is offered. For example, you can attach a course syllabus/description, course catalog, lesson plan, letter detailing the educational purpose, etc., and/or describe below.

  1. Relevance of Park Resources or Facilities: You must identify the pertinent park resources and/or facilities and detail how they are relevant to support the educational purpose of the visit (attach letter or description.

  2. After completing the Education Reservation Request Form , please email a signed copy to

    • Specify Rings, Ripples, and Echoes or Self-Guided in the email Subject line.
    • Submit your school's accreditation (Tax exempt form) if your students are over 15 years old.

Please note: Only buses under 30ft may take Muir Woods Road between Panoramic Highway and the Muir Woods National Monument entrance. Buses over 30ft but smaller than 35ft are allowed into the park only via Highway 1 by taking Muir Woods Road (also known as Frank Valley Road) from the west. No vehicles longer than 35ft are allowed according to the regulation of the California Highway Patrol (CHP)

Last updated: June 1, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

Muir Woods National Monument
1 Muir Woods Rd

Mill Valley, CA 94941


United States Park Police Dispatch: Non-Emergency: 415-561-5505 Emergency: 415-561-5656

Contact Us
