Volunteer Program

Two people with backpacks and snake gaiters peer into a large hole while surveying a grassy plain. A third person kneels nearby.

Volunteers help MWAC accomplish its mission, in the field and in the lab. Depending on available projects and logistical considerations, we may have an opportunity for you. Complete this volunteer service application and return it to our Education and Outreach Coordinator to start the conversation.

All volunteers are required to complete a volunteer service agreement once they have identified and committed to a specific volunteer activity.
National Park Service arrowhead logo on blue background surrounded by green circle with white text, saying

Education and Outreach Coordinator
Midwest Archeological Center
100 Centennial Mall North, Room 474
Lincoln, NE 68508
402-437-5392 Ext. 145 (Rebecca Wiewel)

Last updated: December 26, 2023