What We Do

What does the Section 106 Compliance Program do?

Major activities of the National Park Service’s Section 106 Program include:

  • Provide advice and technical assistance to the Washington Service Office (WASO), NPS Regions, and Parks;
  • Remain current in all trends in compliance with Section 106 of National Historic Preservation Act;
  • Advise on refinements to procedures, guidelines, and templates to ensure effective, efficient performance pursuant to 2008 NPS Nationwide Programmatic Agreement;
  • Participate in development and oversight of procedures to ensure that NPS grant programs also comply with NHPA;
  • Oversee preparation of compliance related briefing material as necessary to assist Director or other policy-level officials; and
  • Participate as needed in cross cutting cultural resources teams with a Section 106 nexus.
An intro page to the Programmatic Agreement document
2008 Programmatic Agreement

Programmatic agreement for compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.

Cover for the NPS Programmatic Agreement Guidance
2022 Programmatic Agreement Guidance

NPS Nationwide Programmatic Agreement National Guidance Document was prepared in 2022.

Last updated: October 27, 2023


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