Sea Turtles of Padre Island

Volunteers and NPS staff holding netting over the beach at dawn while Kemp's ridley sea turtle hatchlings crawl underneath.
Kemp's ridley hatchlings make their way to the Gulf of Mexico at a public hatchling release at Padre Island National Seashore.

NPS Photo.

A nesting Kemp's ridley sea turtle on the sandy beach surrounded by prairie grasses.
Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle

I’ll take the day shift. The Kemp’s ridley is the only sea turtle that nests primarily during the day. Find out why! (NPS Photo)

A green sea turtle on the beach.
Green Sea Turtle

What’s in a name? The green sea turtle is brown, not green! So why was it named the "green" sea turtle? (NPS Photo)

A hawksbill sea turtle swimming over coral and sand on the ocean floor.
Hawksbill Sea Turtle

The turtle with the iron stomach. What does a hawksbill eat? (NPS Photo)

A leatherback sea turtle crawling on the beach.
Leatherback Sea Turtle

Throw your weight around. A leatherback can get how big?!? (Caroline Rogers Photo)

A loggerhead sea turtle nesting on the sandy beach.
Loggerhead Sea Turtle

What a big head you have! A loggerhead is named after what?!? (NPS Photo)


Last updated: June 6, 2024

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