Ruins Stabilization in the Southwestern United States
Publications in Archeology 10
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Bandelier, A. F.
1883 Report on the Ruins of the Pueblo of Pecos. Papers of the Archeological Institute of America: American Series; 2nd ed. Carpples, Upham and Co., Boston.

Buchenberg. A. E.
1946 Interior Report on Experimental Ruin Stabilization, Wupatki National Monument. Ms on file: Arizona Archeological Center, National Park Service, Tucson.

1951 Special Report: Southwest National Monuments, Wupatki National Monument. On file: Arizona Archeological Center, National Park Service, Tucson.

Bullock, Orin M., Jr.
1966 The Restoration Manual, an Illustrated Guide to the Preservation and Restoration of Old Buildings. Silvermine Publishers, Norwalk, Conn.

Cohn, Harold L.
1956 Silicones and their Application in Protective Coatings. Official Digest, Federation of Paint and Varnish Production Clubs (121 So. Broad St.) Philadelphia.

Hamilton, J. B. and F. A. Kittredge
1935 Final Construction Report on Repairs to Ruins. Ms. on file: Arizona Archeological Center, National Park Service, Tucson.

Hayden, Julian
1945 Salt Erosion. American Antiquity. vol. X, no. 4. Society for American Archaeology, Menasha, Wisc.

Hubbel, Elbert
1943 Earth Brick Construction. Office of Indian Affairs, Education Division, Chilocco Agricultural School, Chilocco, Okla.

Johnson, Orvil B.
n. d. Stabilized Adobe Block. Ms. on file: Arizona Archeological Center, National Park Service, Tucson.

Judd, Neil M.
1964 The Architecture of Pueblo Bonito, Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, vol. 147, no. 1, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.

Lee, Ronald F.
1970 The Antiquities Act of 1906. Office of History and Historic Architecture, Eastern Service Center, National Park Service. Washington, D. C.

Lumpkins, William
1971 A Distinguished Architect Writes on Adobe. El Palacio, vol. 77, no. 4. Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe.

McKee, Harley J.
1970 Recording Historic Buildings. The Historic American Buildings Survey, National Park Service. Washington, D.C.

Morris, Donald P.
1967 Stabilization Report, 1967, Fort Bowie National Historic Site, vol. I. Ms on file: Arizona Archeological Center, National Park Service, Tucson.

Neubauer, L.W.
n.d. Adobe Construction Methods. Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Service (Manual 19) University of California, Berkeley.

Plenderleith, H. J.
1956 The Conservation of Antiquities and Works of Art, London. Oxford University Press, New York and Toronto.

Plummer, Fred L. and Stanley M. Dore
1940 Soil Mechanics and Foundations. Pitman Publishing Corporation. New York and Chicago.

Steen, Charlie R.
1971 An Archeologist's Summary of Adobe. El Palacio, vol. 77, no. 4. Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe.

1970 Experiments in Processes of Preserving Unfired Earth Bricks. Ms. on File: Arizona Archeological Center, National Park Service, Tucson.

Wilson, Rex L.
1956 Rehabilitation of Historic Structures, Fort Union National Monument, New Mexico, vols. I-III, Mss. on file: Arizona Archeological Center, National Park Service, Tucson.

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Last Updated: 16-Apr-2007