Assateague Island
Administrative History
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Chapter II:

1Memorandum, Allen C. Staggers to Director, NPS, June 6, 1966, file A2621, Assateague Island National Seashore headquarters (hereinafter cited as ASIS); Gordon U. Noreau, "History of Assateague Island National Seashore" (ASIS typescript, 1972, rev. 1974), p. 12. (Administrative titles hereinafter may be presumed to identify NPS officials unless otherwise noted.)

2Memorandum, Allen C. Staggers to Director, June 6, 1966, file A2621, ASIS.

3Memorandum, Ross F. Sweeny and James Stewart to Chief, Eastern Office of Design and Construction, Jan. 21, 1966, file A2623, ASIS.

4Noreau, "History of Assateague," pp. 12—13; memorandum, Lee to Director, July 29, 1966, in NPS Washington Office file L1425, Washington National Records Center, Suitland, Md. (hereinafter cited as WASO file _____, WNRC).

5Memorandum, Roberts to Regional Director, Northeast Region, June 1967, WASO file L1425, WNRC; memorandum, Donald E. Lee to Director, July 29, 1966, WASO file L1425, WNRC.

6Ocean Beach Club, Inc., newsletters and Trimper letter in WASO file L1425, WNRC; letter, Bill to Rep. Hervey G. Machen, Dec. 16, 1966, WASO file L1425, WNRC.

7Memorandum, Roberts to Regional Director, Northeast Region, Nov. 3, 1966, WASO file L1425, WNRC.

8"Status of Land Acquisition on Assateague Island" newsletter, Oct. 7, 1966, WASO file L1425, WNRC; letter, Assistant Director Robert B. Moore to Sen. Charles McC. Mathias, Feb. 4, 1969, WASO file L1425, WNRC.

9Letter, Assistant Director Edward A. Hummel to Rep. Joel T. Broyhill, June 9, 1967, WASO file L1425, WNRC.

10Letter, Director George B. Hartzog, Jr., to Sen. Alan Bible, Apr. 12, 1967, WASO file L1425, WNRC.

11Memorandum, Philip O. Stewart, Chief, Division of Land and Water Rights, to Acting Land Acquisition Officer, Assateague, Nov. 7, 1968, WASO file L1425, WNRC; letter, Assistant Attorney General Shiro Kashiwa to Interior Solicitor Mitchell Melich, July 24, 1970, WASO file L1425, WNRC. The congressional policy on straight condemnation replacing declarations of taking stemmed from land acquisition at Biscayne National Monument and is found in Senate Report 1597, 90th Congress, 2d Session, Oct. 1, 1968.

12Memorandum, Assistant Director Robert R. Moore to Regional Director, Northeast Region, Jan. 17, 1969, file L1425, ASIS.

13Letter, Moore to Mathias, Feb. 4, 1969, WASO file L1425, WNRC.

14Memorandum, Roberts to Associate Regional Director George A. Palmer, May 27, 1969, file L1415, ASIS; memorandum, Roberts to Regional Director, Northeast Region, Aug. 22, 1969, file L1425, ASIS; interview with Roberts, May 21, 1982

15Memorandums, Roberts to Garrison, Aug. 8, 1969, Oct. 6, 1969; Jan. 30, 1970, file L1425, ASIS.

16U.S.A. v. Certain Land in the County of Worcester, State of Md., Assateague Island Reality Corp., et al., Civil Nos. 18283, 18585, 19510, 19884 (consolidated) in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland; memorandum, Assistant Chief C. A. Harpine, Division of Land Acquisition, to Chief, Division of Land Acquisition, Feb. 5, 1971, WASO file L1425, WNRC.

17Letter, Assistant Attorney General Shiro Kashiwa to Interior Solicitor Mitchell Melich, Mar. 30, 1971, WASO file L1425, WNRC, memorandum, Assistant Director Edward A. Hummel to Assistant Solicitor, Branch of Parks, Apr. 6, 1971, WASO file L1425, WNRC.

18See, e.g., letter, Assistant Director Edward A. Hummel to Louis G. Norris, Apr. 29, 1971, WASO file L1425, WNRC.

19Status report by Philip O. Stewart, "Assateague Island National Seashore," Aug. 19, 1971, WASO file L1425, WNRC; letters, Assistant Director Lawrence C. Hadley to Rep. Julia B. Hansen, Rep. Roy Taylor, Sen. Alan Bible, Sept. 15, 1971, WASO file L1425, WNRC; letter, Attorney Philip M. Zeidner, Land Acquisition Section, Justice Department, to Interior Solicitor Mitchell Melich, Nov. 16, 1972, WASO file L1425, WNRC.

20S. 2601, 92nd Congress, Sept. 28, 1971; H.R. 11339, 92nd Congress, Oct. 19, 1971.

21Letter, Assistant Secretary Nathaniel P. Reed, Interior, to Rep. Wayne N. Aspinall, Nov. 10, 1971, in NPS Office of Legislation, Washington, D.C. (hereinafter cited as WASO-170); P.L. 92—272, 86 Stat. 120.

22Letter, Assistant Secretary Nathaniel P. Reed, Interior, to Sen. Henry M. Jackson, May 9, 1975, WASO-170; P.L. 94—578, 90 Stat. 2732.

23Letter, Assistant Director Robert M. Moore to Sen Charles McC. Mathias, Feb. 4, 1969, WASO file L1425, WNRC; interview with Harvey D. Wickware, May 21, 1982; Roberts interview.

24Memorandum, Assistant Director Edward A. Hummel to Associate Solicitor, Parks and Recreation, Nov. 20, 1970, WASO file L1425, WNRC; memorandum, Assistant Director Lawrence C. Hadley to Associate Solicitor, Parks and Recreation, Jan. 11, 1982, WASO file L1425, WNRC; letter, Deputy Associate Director Joseph C. Rumberg, Jr., to Murphy, May 12, 1972, WASO file L1425, WNRC.

25Squad Meeting Minutes, Mar. 22, 1971, file A40, ASIS.

26Letter, Leonard T. Herbert to Rep. Marjorie S. Holt, Nov. 6, 1975, WASO-170; letter, Acting Associate Director Philip O. Stewart to Rep. Marjorie S. Holt, Dec. 5, 1975, WASO—170.

27Letter, Parr to McCabe, Oct. 13, 1966, file L1415, ASIS; letter, McCabe to Roberts, Oct. 26, 1966, file L1415, ASIS; letter, Roberts to McCabe, Nov. 1, 1966, file L1415, ASIS.

28Memorandum, Palmer to Regional Director, Northeast Region, Apr. 3, 1967, file D18, ASIS; memorandum for the record, John E. Ritchie, Apr. 14, 1967, file L7019, ASIS.

29Memorandum, Roberts to Regional Director, National Capital Region, Jan. 8, 1968, WASO file L1425, WNRC; memorandum, Assistant Director Edward A. Hummel to Regional Director, National Capital Region, Jan. 17, 1968, WASO file L1425, WNRC.

30Memorandum, Fehrer to Chief, Land Acquisition Office. Feb. 2, 1972, WASO file L1425, WNRC; memorandum, Stewart to Chief of Land Acquisition, Northeast Region, Feb. 15, 1972, WASO file L1425, WNRC; memorandum, Assistant Director Lawrence C. Hadley to Assistant Solicitor, Branch of Parks, Mar. 31, 1972, WASO file L1425, WNRC.

3171 Stat. 175. Public Law 87—714 of Sept. 28, 1962 (76 Stat. 653), subsequently provided a general authority for recreational use of national wildlife refuges when compatible with their primary purposes.

32Memorandum, Resource Management Specialist G. Gordon Bruce, Northeast Region, to Director, Northeast Region, Sept. 3, 1971, file A2623, ASIS; CABBA—BSFW agreement in WASO-170.

33Memorandum, Regional Director Chester L. Brooks, Mid—Atlantic Region, to Associate Director, Administration, Mar. 19, 1976, Resource Preservation Division files, NPS Mid—Atlantic Regional Office; memorandum, G. Gordon Bruce to Director, Northeast Region, Sept. 3, 1971, file A2623, ASIS.

34Memorandum, G. Gordon Bruce to Director, Northeast Region, Sept. 3, 1971, file A2623, ASIS; letter, Associate Director Edward A. Hummel to Paul B. Merritt, June 6, 1969, file A3815, ASIS; letter, B. C. Roberts to George N. McMath, Apr. 27, 1967, file L1425, ASIS.

35Memorandum, B. C. Roberts to Director, Feb. 7, 1967, file A2621, ASIS.

36Memorandum, Regional Director Russell E. Dickenson, National Capital Region, to Regional Director, Southeast Region, BSFW, May 7, 1968, file A4415, ASIS; Draft Land Acquisition Plan, Assateague Island National Seashore, Feb. 11, 1980, WASO file L1425.

37Superintendent's Annual Report, Jan. 23, 1974, file A2621, ASIS.

38Interview with Michael V. Finley, Apr. 21, 1982; memorandum, Willis P. Kriz, Chief, Land Acquisition Division, to Regional Director, Mid—Atlantic Region, June 30, 1980, WASO file L1425; memorandum, John T. Hanson, Acting Chief, Land Acquisition Division, Mid—Atlantic Region, to Chief, Land Acquisition Division, Oct. 27, 1980, WASO file L1425; interview with Bernard C. Fagan, Sept. 13, 1982.

39National Park Service, "Draft General Management Plan, Assateague Island National Seashore," September 1981, p. 31.

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