Assateague Island
Administrative History
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1Gordon U. Noreau, "History of Assateague Island National Seashore" (typescript at Assateague Island National Seashore headquarters, 1972, rev. 1974), pp. 12, 14.

2"Interpretive Prospectus for Assateague Island National Seashore," 1969, copy in Interpretation and Visitor Services Division file, NPS Mid—Atlantic Regional Office, Philadelphia, Pa. (hereinafter cited as IVSD-MARO).

3Memorandum, Roberts to Regional Director, Northeast Region, NPS, May 13, 1969, file K1817, Assateague Island National Seashore headquarters hereinafter cited as ASIS).

4Memorandum, Acting Team Manager William W. Smith, Northeast Team, Denver Service Center, to Director, Northeast Region, Mar. 2, 1973, file K1817, ASIS; memorandum, Norris to Director, Northeast Region, Mar. 21, 1973, file K1817, ASIS; memorandum, Norris to Regional Director, Mid—Atlantic Region, Apr. 13, 1978, file K1819, ASIS.

5Noreau, "History of Assateague," pp. 18—19; letter, Regional Director Chester L. Brooks, Northeast Region, to Herbert Sachs, June 13, 1974, IVSD MARO.

6Squad Meeting Minutes, June 9, 1975, file A40, ASIS; memorandum, Acting Superintendent Earl W. Estes to Refuge Manager, Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge, Nov. 9, 1976, file K1815, ASIS.

7Memorandum, Norris to Chief, Division of Exhibits, Harpers Ferry Center, Feb. 21, 1978, file K1815, ASIS.

8Memorandum, Stuart H. Maule to Regional Director, Mid-Atlantic Region, Dec. 22, 1980, IVSD-MARO; interview with Chester O. Harris, Mar. 2, 1982.

9Noreau, "History of Assateague," pp. 17-19.

10Letter, Roberts to Mathias, Jan. 22, 1971, file D18, ASIS.

11Guest reservation correspondence in file A6019, ASIS.

12Interviews with Roberts and Harvey D. Wickware, May 21, 1982; interview with Norris, May 24, 1982.

13Jim Jackson, "President Visits Assateague," Eastern Shore Times, Berlin, Md., Aug. 10, 1972, ASIS clipping file.

14Memorandum, Thomas F. Norris, Jr., to File, Aug. 9, 1972, file A60, ASIS; interview with Gordon U. Noreau, May 25, 1982.

15Memorandum, Assistant Secretary Stanley A. Cain to Director, BSFW, and Director, NPS, Mar. 28, 1967, file A4415, ASIS; memorandum, Cain to Director, BSFW, and Director, NPS, Aug. 8, 1967, file A4415, ASIS.

16Memorandum, Regional Solicitor William W. Redmond to Director, Northeast Region, NPS, Mar. 19, 1973, NPS Office of Legislation, Washington, D.C. (hereinafter cited as WASO-170); "Fees," Briefing Book statement c. 1974, WASO-170.

17"Fees," WASO-170; memorandum, James M. Lambe to File, Sept. 19, 1975, WASO-170.

18Letters, Town Manager David R. Quillen, Chincoteague, to Senators William L. Scott and Harry F. Byrd, Jr., Feb. 9, 1977, file F5419, ASIS; letters, Andrus to Scott and Byrd, Apr. 8, 1977, file F5419, ASIS.

19Superintendent's Annual Report, 1979 Calendar Year, Mar. 11, 1980, file A2621, ASIS; interview with Michael V. Finley, May 19, 1982.

20Finley interview.

21Noreau, "History of Assateague," p. 31; memorandum, Assistant Solicitor Bernard R. Meyer to Director, NPS, Oct. 26, 1966, file C3823, ASIS.

22Memorandum, Roberts to Director, Northeast Region, Apr. 20, 1970, file C3817, ASIS.

23Letter, Roberts to Steacker, June 30, 1970, file C3817, ASIS; Noreau, "History of Assateague," p. 31; Assateague Beach Corporation v. United States of America, No. 196—73, U. S. Court of Claims; letter, Herbert Pittle, Dept. of Justice, to Solicitor H. Gregory Austin, Interior, Jan. 5, 1976, file C3817, ASIS.

24Letter, B.C. Roberts to William J. Duddleston, July 21, 1970, file A72, ASIS; letter, Norris to Duddleston, June 8, 1971, file A72, ASIS.

25Vollmer study in file D18, ASIS; memorandum, Brooks to Manager, Denver Service Center, July 19, 1976, with Benson comment attached, file D18, ASIS.

26Memorandum, Chief Ranger Harvey D. Wickware to Superintendent, Assateague, Sept. 13, 1966, file W34, ASIS; Noreau, "History of Assateague," p. 13.

27Memorandum, Norris to Land Acquisition Officer, Assateague, Sept. 28, 1971, file L1425, ASIS; memorandum, Acting Regional Solicitor William H. Thornton, Jr., to Director, Northeast Region, NPS, June 27, 1973, file A2623, ASIS.

28Letter, Roberts to Spencer P. Ellis, Dec. 29, 1966, file W3815, ASIS; memorandum, Norris to Regional Director, Mid—Atlantic Region, Nov. 27, 1978, file A2623, ASIS.

29"History of Relationship, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service—National Park Service, Toms Cove Hook Area," appended to Noreau, "History of Assateague."

30Superintendent's Annual Report, 1975 Calendar Year, Feb. 17, 1976, file A2621, ASIS.

31"History of Relationship, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service—National Park Service, Toms Cove Hook Area"; interview with Melvin L. Olsen, May 20, 1982.

32Interview with Phillips, May 19, 1982.


34Noreau, "History of Assateague, p. 13; interview with William Shockley (President, AMSA), May 18, 1982; Orlando Wooten, "Sportsmen Donate Time, Work in Isle Conservation Program," The Sunday Times, Berlin, Md., Mar. 18, 1973, ASIS clipping file.

35Noreau, "History of Assateague," p. 18; letter, B.C. Roberts to Charles E. Elliott, Apr. 8, 1970, file A3815, ASIS.

36Roberts statement prepared for Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge hearing, May 18, 1970, file W4217, ASIS; memorandum, Roberts to Superintendent, Coulee Dam National Recreation Area, Oct. 26, 1970, file W34, ASIS.

37"Report to the Governor by the Joint Executive—Legislative Committee on Assateague Island," March 1972, p. 52, copy in file D18, ASIS; letter, Norris to W. W. Wright, Aug. 27, 1973, file W4217, ASIS.

38Federal Register, May 29, 1974, pp. 18658—59; 36 CFR 7.65; Superintendent's Annual Report, 1976 Calendar Year, Feb. 2, 1977, file A2621, ASIS.

39Superintendent's Annual Report, 1979 Calendar Year; memorandum, Herbst to Director, FWS, and Director, NPS, Oct. 24, 1978, NPS Office of Park Planning and Environmental Quality, Washington, D.C. (hereinafter cited as WASO-130); memorandum, Regional Director Richard L. Stanton, Mid—Atlantic Region, to Director, Jan. 3, 1979, WASO-130; memorandum, Regional Scientist John F. Karish to Chief, Contracting Division, Mid—Atlantic Region, Sept. 3, 1980, Resource Preservation Division, Mid—Atlantic Regional Office.

40Memorandum, Karish to Chief, Contracting Division, Sept. 3, 1980.

41Odum and Dueser, "Draft Final Report, Natural and Recreational Influences on Fox Hill Levels and Toms Cove Hook, Assateague Island, Va.," copy at ASIS; interview with Karish, May 24, 1982; Finley interview.

42Memorandum, M.V. Finley to Director, Jan. 20, 1982, file D18, ASIS.

43Letter, Thomas F. Norris, Jr., to Barry Mackintosh, July 23, 1982 author's possession; interview with J. Fred Eubanks, Apr. 2, 1982; Finley interview.

44Memorandum, Tousley to Holland, Aug. 24, 1981, file A4415, ASIS.

45"Off—Road Vehicle Plan on Assateague Hit," The Evening Sun, Baltimore, Sept. 30, 1981, clipping in file A4415, ASIS; Memorandum, M.V. Finley to Mel Olsen, Oct. 1, 1981, file A4415, ASIS.

46Dennis Collins, "Battle Zooms Into Overdrive Over Use of Assateague Beaches," Washington Post, Apr. 18, 1982, p. D16; congressional letter Mar. 26, 1982, file A4415, ASIS.

47Letter, Rep. Roy Dyson to Judith C. Johnson, May 6, 1982, file A4415, ASIS; letter, Watt to congressional delegation, May 18, 1982, Refuge Management Division, Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C.; "Assateague: Keeping the Peace" (editorial), Washington Post, May 29, 1982.

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