Historic Structure Report: CCC Buildings
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THE BUILDINGS (continued)

B-10, Ranger Dormitory

Constructed in 1973, this building originally served as the ranger dormitory and garage (figure 79). On the advice of one of the park staff, [120] plans were drawn up to add a laundry room to the rear of the building in 1940 (figure 80). The laundry room was made large enough to include "drying spaces" where clothes would be hung to dry. The justification for the addition stated that it would be convenient for employees while "preserving the exterior appearance of the monument." [121] Clothes hanging to dry outside were considered inappropriate for national park areas.

The building was designed with two living spaces, with a connecting bath and porch. The eastern living space was remodeled into a kitchen and the porch was enclosed with a slump block wall in 1973 (figure 81). Original windows were replaced with single-light thermal casement windows, probably in 1978. Natural gas wall furnaces were installed in the building in 1963. [122] The building received a new foam roof in 1981 and updated water and sewer utilities in 1983. New wiring and gas lines were added in 1984-85.

The name of the building's designer is unknown at present. The 1940 alterations were designed by Lyle Bennett.

Figure 79. Plans for the ranger dormitory (B-10), 1936 (drawing 315/3034, sheet 1).

Figure 80. Plans for the laundry (B-10A), 1939 (drawing 315/2135, sheet 1).

ranger dormitory
Figure 81. Originally, the ranger dormitory (B-10) and garage had an entrance set in the recessed portal of the front elevation. In 1973 the construction of a slump block wall enclosed the portal space. This photograph shows the building in 1982. (Photo: Harrison for NPS)

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Last Updated: 08-May-2005