Historic Structure Report: CCC Buildings
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THE BUILDINGS (continued)

B-14, Gas and Oil House

Constructed as the gas and oil house for the lodge development, the building (figures 92 and 93) was probably used by the CCC until it was assigned to Mrs. Frey, the concessioner, in 1939. [128] An open area under the portal housed the gas pump. An old Conoco gas pump that may be original to the structure remains under the portal on a concrete pad. The original location of the gas pump was approximately 4 feet from its present location on the plaza. The oil and grease room, built facing the lodge utility area, contained built-in shelves anchored into the stone masonry. The building's function changed to office storage in 1976. The building received a foam roof in 1981 and rewiring in 1984.

Richard W. Thompson designed the building.

Figure 92. B-14 is on the right. Sand was spread on the ground near the gas pump (hidden under the portal) to absorb any gas spills. Hugh Miller took this photograph in the summer of 1940. (Photo: Bandelier)

Figure 93. Plans for the gas and oil house (B-14), 1937 (drawing 315/2028, sheet 1).

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Last Updated: 08-May-2005