Historic Structure Report: CCC Buildings
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THE BUILDINGS (continued)

B-22, Powerhouse

This building (figures 118-120) was constructed in 1938 and originally housed the generator for the park's electricity. The power plant was in operation by June 1, 1938, and the building's architect noted, "no objectionable noise is apparent in the public or residential areas . . . A relocation of the fuel tank from that shown on the plan was agreed to which was necessary for the best performance of the engine." [150] In about 1940, a General Electric 25-kilowatt lighting plant was obtained from War Department surplus and installed. [151] An exhaust fan was added to the building in 1940 because of unspecified problems. [152] The monument went on commercial power in 1948. New underground cables were added to the building in 1974, at which time the transformers were modified to meet electrical codes.

Lyle Bennett designed the powerhouse. The building was constructed outside the walled maintenance yard. It abutted the wall into the lodge utility area and on the road leading up to the park residences.

Figure 118. Plans for the powerhouse (B-22), 1938 (drawing 315/2040, sheet 1).

Figure 119. The powerhouse (B-22) is shown here in 1940. The building is a good example of the thoroughness of the monument's architectural program; it carried through to even the most utilitarian structures. (Photo: Bandelier)

Figure 120. In 1982 the exterior of the powerhouse remained virtually unchanged from its original appearance. (Photo: Harrison for NPS)

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Last Updated: 08-May-2005