Rules and Regulations
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All regular stage fares include transportation of one piece of baggage weighing not more than 20 pounds.

Glacier Park Station, St. Mary Chalets, and Many Glacier Hotel on Lake McDermott.—Daily automobile service is maintained on the following schedules:

Automobile schedule, Glacier Park Station to St. Mary Chalets and Many Glacier Hotel.

Leave Glacier Park Hotel at 8 a. m.
Arrive St. Mary Chalets at 10.45 a. m.
Leave St. Mary Chalets at 11 a. m.
Arrive Many Glacier Hotel at 12.45 p. m.

Automobile schedule, Many Glacier Hotel to St. Mary Chalets and Glacier Park Station.

Leavy Many Glacier Hotel at 8.00 a. m.
Arrive at St. Mary Chalets at 9.45 a. m.
Leave St. Mary Chalets at 3.30 p. m.
Arrive Glacier Park Hotel at 6.15 p. m.

July 1 to September 1, inclusive, double daily service is maintained, leaving Glacier Park Hotel 1.30 p. m. and leaving Many Glacier Hotel 1.30 p. m.

Automobile rates.


Glacier Park Hotel and St. Mary Chalets$4.00$8.00
Glacier Park Hotel and Many Glacier Hotel7.5015.00
St. Mary Chalets and Many Glacier Hotel3.507.00
Glacier Park Hotel and Two Medicine Chalets2.003.50
Glacier Park Hotel and Cut Bank Chalets1----5.00
Belton and Lake McDonald.501.00

1No regular daily service between these points; rate applies only for minimum of 4 round-trip fares.

Glacier Park Station and Two Medicine Chalets.—Daily automobile service is maintained between Glacier Park Station and Two Medicine Chalets.

Leave Glacier Park Hotel at 2 p. m.
Arrive at Two Medicine Chalets at 3 p. m.
Leave Two Medicine Chalets at 4 p. m.
Arrive at Glacier Park Hotel at 5 p. m.

Automobile rental.—Tourists desiring to rent private automobiles for special trips from Glacier Park Hotel or Many Glacier Hotel may secure them from the Glacier Park Transportation Co. This service may be had only when cars are available without interrupting regular service. Charge is on the basis of 80 cents a mile for the round trip, with a minimum charge of $40. No cars will be chartered for more than one day, except by special arrangement with the automobile company. Cars will not be chartered for one-way trips.

A flat charge between Glacier Park and other points for special cars operating in charter service will be as follows:

Glacier Park Hotel to Two Medicine Chalets and return$20
Glacier Park Hotel to Cut Bank Chalets and return35
Glacier Park Hotel to St. Mary Chalets and return50
Glacier Park Hotel to Many Glacier Hotel and return85

There will be an additional charge of $4 per hour for touring cars chartered by special parties for every idle hour during the company's working day, which is from 7 a. m. to 7 p. m. No charge will be made after 7 p. m. until 7 a. m. the following morning.

Belton, foot of Lake McDonald, and Fish Creek.—The Glacier Park Transportation Co. maintains an auto service between Belton Station, the foot of Lake McDonald, and Fish Creek, connecting with launches for all points on the lake and with all Great Northern passenger trains at Belton.

(click on image for a PDF version)

Stage fares between Belton, Lake McDonald, and Fish Creek.

Belton and Lake McDonald, each way$0.50
Belton and Fish Creek, each way.75

At times other than the period established by the Secretary of the Interior as the park season, Mr. John Weightman has authority to transport passengers, baggage, and freight between Belton and the foot of Lake McDonald at the prescribed rates for this service published herein. Mr. Weightman also conducts a general livery business with stables in Belton.


All regular boat fares include transportation of one piece of baggage weighing not more than 20 pounds.

St. Mary Lake.—Two round trips a day will be made between St. Mary and Going-to-the-Sun Chalets, connecting with the automobile service between Glacier Park Station, St. Mary Chalets, and Many Glacier Hotel at Lake McDermott. Fare between St. Mary and Going-to-the-Sun Chalets, 75 cents in each direction.

Launch schedule between St. Mary and Going-to-the-Sun Chalets.

Leave Going-to-the-Sun Chalets at 9 a. m. and 2 p. m.
Arrive St. Mary Chalets at 10 a. m. and 3 p. m.
Leave St. Mary Chalets at 11 a. m. and 5 p. m.
Arrive Going-to-the-Sun Chalets at 12 noon and 6 p. m.

Lake McDonald.—Launch service is maintained by Miller & Kelly (Belton, Mont.) on Lake McDonald, connecting with all stages at the foot of the lake for points on the lake.

Rates for Lake McDonald launch service.

One way, in either direction. Distance in miles.Fare.

Foot of lake to head of lake10$1.00
Foot of lake to Park Cabin resort101.00
Foot of lake to Glacier Hotel (Lewis's)8.75
Fish Creek to head of lake8.75
Fish Creek to Park Cabin resort8.75
Fish Creek to Glacier Hotel6.50
Glacier Hotel to head of lake2.25
Glacier Hotel to Park Cabin resort2.25
Foot of lake to Fish Creek2.25


Passengers touring the park will be permitted to carry with them free on automobile stages or launches one piece of hand baggage weighing not to exceed 20 pounds.

The following rates apply for the transportation of baggage between points in Glacier National Park via auto or launch. Autos are not equiped to handle heavy baggage, and right is reserved to forward such baggage by freighting outfit.

Baggage rates.

Between—Trunk. Suit case
or grip.

Glacier Park Hotel and Two Medicine Chalets$1.00$0.50
Glacier Park Hotel and St. Mary Chalets2.00.50
Glacier Park Hotel and Many Glacier Chalets4.001.00
Glacier Park Hotel and Going-to-the-Sun Chalets2.501.00
St. Mary Chalets and Going-to-the-Sun Chalets.50.25
St. Mary Chalet, and Many Glacier Chalets2.00.50
Belton and Glacier Hotel (Lewis's)1.00.50
Belton and foot of Lake McDonald.50.25
Belton and Fish Creek.50.25
Foot of Lake McDonald and head of Lake McDonald.50.25

Freight rates.

Cents per

Belton to or from Lake McDonald:
     1,000 pounds and under25
     1,000 to 1,500 pounds20
     1,500 to 3,500 pounds15
     3,500 pounds and over10
On Lake McDonald, either direction:
     1,000 pounds and under25
     1,000 to 2,500 pounds20
     2,500 pounds and over15
On St. Mary Lake:
     1,000 pounds or less25
     Over 1,000 pounds20

Cents per
Between Belton and Logging Creek ranger station or other points between McGee Meadow and Logging Creek1-1/2
Between Belton and Indian Creek ranger station2
Between Belton and Kishenehn ranger station2

These freight rates are to be construed as maximum rates only.


The Park Saddle Horse Co. furnishes saddle and pack horse service, guides, and camp outfits.

Guides, saddle, and pack horses can be secured, or released, at Glacier Park Station, Many Glacier Hotel, Going-to-the-Sun Chalets, and Glacier Hotel on Lake McDonald, for nonscheduled, in definite trips, at the following rates:

Rates for guides and horses.

Guides, including horse and hoard, per day$8.00
Saddle and pack horses, per day3.50

Park rules require 1 guide for every 10 persons. Pack horses are not needed for short one-day trips, but are necessary for long trips of several days.

All saddle horses are required to be equipped with waterproof slickers, which outfitters supply free.

The guides in charge of a party shall at all times precede the party and the assisting guides shall follow the party.

It shall be the duty of the assisting guide to handle the pack horses, to prevent their crowding each other or the horses of the tourists on mountain trails.

A complete horseback tour of Glacier National Park from Glacier Park Hotel, visiting all chalet groups, with several side trips to principal points of interest, such as Iceberg Lake, Cracker Lake, Sperry Glacier, etc., can be made in from 10 to 14 days. Tourists using such horseback tours can travel at their own convenience without the necessity of following a fixed schedule.


The charge includes horse and guide service:

Saddle-horse trips.Rate. Minimum
in party.

1Glacier Park Hotel to Mount Henry and return—1-day trip $4.001
1Glacier Park Hotel to Two Medicine and return—2-day trip via Mount Henry in one direction8.003
Inside Trail trip, via Two Medicine, Mount Morgan, Cut Bank Chalets, Triple Divide, Red Eagle Lake, St. Mary Chalets, Going-to-the-Sun Chalets, Piegan Pass to Many-Glacier Hotei—a 5-day scenic trip 18.006
1Iceberg Lake and return—1-day trip4.001
Granite Park and return—2-day trip8.001
Granite Park and return—1-day trip5.001
1Cracker Lake and return—1-day trip4.001
1Ptarmigan Lake and return—1-day trip4.003
1Grinnell Lake and return—one-half day trip (afternoon)3.503
Grinnell Glacier and return—1-day trip4.003
Morning Eagle Falls and return—1-day trip4.001
Going-to-the-Sun Chalets via Piegan Pass—1 way5.001
2Logan Pass Triangle trip by Swiftcurrent Pass, Granite Park, Logan Pass, Going-to-the-Sun Chalets and Piegan Pass—round trip—2-day trip12.501
2Circle trip—Swiftcurrent Pass, Granite Park Chalets, Garden Wall Trail, Glacier Hotel (Lewis's) on Lake McDonald, Sperry Chalets, Gunsight Pass, Going-to-the-Sun Chalets, Piegan Pass—round trip—5-day trip 25.005
1Sexton Glacier and return—one-half day trip3.503
1Gunsight Lake and return—1-day trip4.003
1Roes Basin and return—1-day trip4.003
Many-Glacier Hotel via Piegan Pass—1-day trip5.001
Lake McDonald via Sperry Chalets and Gunsight Pass-2-day trip10.005
2Logan Pass Triangle trip by Piegan Pass, Many-Glacier Hotel, Swiftcurrent Pass, Granite Park, and Logan Pass-round trip—3-day trip12.501
2Circle trip-Piegan Pass, Many Glacier Hotel, Swiftcurrent Pass, Granite Park Chalets, Garden Wall Trail, Glacier Hotel (Lewis's) on Lake McDonald, Sperry Chalets, Gunsight Pass-round trip—5-day trip25.005
1Sperry Chalets and return—1-day trip4.501
Lincoln Peak and return—1-day trip5.001
1Avalanche Basin and return—1-day trip4.003
Snyder Lake and return—1-day trip4.003
Going-to-the-Sun chalets via Sperry Chalets and Gunsight Pass-2-day trip10.005
2Chalets, Gunsight Pass, Going-to-the-Sun Chalets, Piegan Pass, Many Glacier Hotel, Swiftcurrent Pass, Granite Park Chalets, Garden Wall Trail— round trip-5-day trip25.00

1Made daily during season. Other trips available July 1 to Sept. 1.
2Logan Pass Triangle and Circle trips made daily between July 1 and Sept. 1. Parties once started on these trips will not he allowed refund in case of withdrawal.


The following rates are quoted for trips of 10 days or more. Special arrangements may be made for trips of less than 10 days:

Cost per day
per person.
1 person$25.00
2 persons15.75
3 persons12.65
4 persons12.40
5 persons11.30
6 persons10.60
7 persons or more10.00

Foregoing rates include the necessary guides, cooks, saddle horses, pack horses, tents, cooking utensils; in fact everything except blankets and provisions. Tourists are advised to bring their own blankets or bedding; or they can rent blankets from the outfitters for $1 per pair for the trip. Mattresses and canton flannel sheets furnished free.

The provisions for the entire party are purchased by the tourists.

Provisions may be purchased locally, where complete assortments are carried. The provisions usually cost about $1.50 per day per person, varying according to the number taking the trip and the requirements of the different parties.

The outfitters endeavor to and usually are able to furnish cooks and all necessary help for all camping trips on short notice, but at least 10 days' notice should be given and this is allowed, if necessary, to permit them time for securing proper cooks and assistance.


Howard Eaton, address, Eaton's Ranch, Wolf, Wyo., will again conduct a horseback and camping tour in Glacier National Park. Trip starts from Glacier Park Station, Mont. (eastern entrance), July 19 and ends at Belton, Mont. (western entrance), August 2. The trip is limited to 75 riders. Fee, $225, includes all charges for 15 days.


Below are given the principal trips from the hotels and chalets. Road trips can be made on horseback or on foot unless otherwise indicated; trail trips can be made on horseback or on foot. Where horseback rates are given, they are special flat rates for scheduled trips and include charges for both guide and horses. Where no rates are given the regular per diem charges apply.

(Altitude 4,800 feet.)

St. Mary Chalets (4,500 feet).—Road; 32 miles; automobile stage fare, $4 in each direction. A one-day trip to St. Mary and Going-to-the-Sun Chalets by automobile and launch may be made for $9.62 for the round trip; for schedule, see page 46.

Inside trail.—Guide and horses may be obtained for a three-day trip over the inside trail from Glacier Park Hotel, via Two Medicine Chalets, thence via Mount Morgan Pass to Cut Bank Chalets, thence via Triple Divide, Red Eagle Lake, to St. Mary Chalets. This trip may be made in either direction at regular per diem rates.

Many Glacier Hotel (4,900 feet).—Road; 55 miles; automobile stage fare, $7.50 in each direction; for schedule, see page 32.

Inside trail.—Guide and horses may be obtained for a five-day trip over the inside trail from Glacier Park Hotel, via Two Medicine Chalets, thence via Mount Morgan Pass to Cut Bank Chalets, thence via Triple Divide, Red Eagle Lake, to St. Mary Chalets, thence via boat across St. Mary Lake to Going-to-the-Sun Chalets, thence via Piegan Pass to Many Glacier Hotel, at the rate of $18 for each person, including boat fare, if five or more make the trip. This trip may be made in either direction.

Two Medicine Chalets (5,200 feet) on Two Medicine Lake.—Road; 12 miles; automobile stage fare, $2 in each direction; for schedule, see page 47.

Guide and horses may be obtained for a two-day trip to Two Medicine Chalets, Trick Falls, and return, via Mount Henry Trail or Road, for $8 each person, if three or more go together.

Mount Henry (8,870 feet).—Trail 7 miles. From Mount Henry can be obtained a splendid view of the peaks surroundeing Two Medicine Lake. Guide and horses can be secured for the round trip to Mount Henry at the rate of $4 per person.

This trip can be extended to Two Medicine Chalets (5,200 feet), 4 miles farther, and the return made by automobile. Rate for guide and horses Glacier Park Hotel to Two Medicine Chalets, three or more in party, $5 each; automobile fare Two Medicine Chalets to Glacier Park Station, 12 miles, $2.

Cut Bank Chalets (5,200 feet).—Road; 22 miles; automobile stage fare, $5 round trip per person, with a minimum of four persons.

Going-to-the-Sun Chalets (4,500 feet).—A one-day trip to Going-to-the-Sun Chalets, via St. Mary and return, by automobile and launch, may be made for $9.62; for schedule, see page 46.

(Altitude, 5,200 feet.)

Trick Falls (5,000 feet).—Road; 2 miles.

Upper Two Medicine Lake (5,600 feet).—Trail, or boat and trail; 4 miles.

Bighorn Basin (6,000 feet).—Trail; 4 miles.

Dawson Pass (7,500 feet).—Trail; 6 miles.

Glacier Park Hotel (4,800 feet).—Road; 12 miles; stage fare, $2 in each direction; for schedule, see page 47. Trail by way of Mount Henry (8,870 feet), 11 miles; rate for horses and guide, three or more in party, $5 per person.

Mount Henry (8,870 feet).—Trail; 4 miles. From Mount Henry can be obtained a fine view of the peaks surrounding Two Medicine Lake.

Cut Bank Chalets (5,200 feet).—Trail by way of Dry Fork and Mount Morgan Pass (7,600 feet); 18 miles.

Park Creek (5,000 feet).—Trail by way of Two Medicine Pass (7,675 feet). Excellent fishing at Park Creek.

(Altitude, 5,200 feet.)

Red Eagle Lake.—By way of Triple Divide Mountain; 16 miles.

Cut Bank Pass (7,861 feet).—Trail; 7 miles. From Cut Bank Pass may be obtained a fine view of Stimson Mountain (10,155 feet) and Mount St. Nicholas (9,385 feet). As far as known Mount St. Nicholas has never been climbed.

Triple Divide Peak (8,001 feet).—Distance 8 miles. Triple Divide Peak separates the headwaters flowing into the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, and the Arctic Ocean.

Glacier Park Hotel (4,800).—Road; 22 miles.

St. Mary Chalets (4,500 feet).—Trail and road; 16 miles.

Two Medicine Chalets (5,200 feet).—Trail by way of Mount Morgan Pass (7,600 feet) and Dry Fork; 18 miles.

(Altitude, 4,500 feet.)

Red Eagle Lake (4,702 feet).—Trail; 8 miles; good fishing.

Red Eagle Pass (7,500 feet) and Glacier.—Trail; 16 miles.

Going-to-the-Sun Chalets (4,500 feet).—Launch; 8 miles; fare, 75 cents in each direction.

Cut Bank Chalets (5,200 feet).—Road, 16 miles; trail, 24 miles.

Many Glacier Hotel on Lake McDermott (4,900 feet).—Road; 23 miles; trail, 16 miles; stage fare, $8.50 in each direction.

Glacier Park Station (4,800 feet).—Road; 32 miles; automobile stage fare, $4 in each direction.

(Altitude, 4,500 feet.)

Roes Basin (6,500 feet).—Poor trail; 6 miles. Guide and horses may be obtained for the round trip at $4 per person, if three or more go together.

Sexton Glacier (7,000 feet).—Trail; 7 miles. Guide and horses may be secured for the round trip at $3.50 per person, if three or more go together.

Piegan Pass (7,200 feet).—Trail; 9 miles.

Many Glacier Hotel on Lake McDermott (4,900 feet).—Trail by way of Piegan Pass (7,200 feet,); 18 miles. This trip gives good view of Mount Siyeh and Piegan Mountain, the Garden Wall, Morning Eagle Falls, and Grinnell Glacier and Lake. Rate for guide and horse, $5 per person.

St. Mary Chalets (4,500 feet).—Launch; 8 miles; fare, 75 cents in each direction.

Gunsight Lake (5,300 feet).—Trail; 9 miles. Guide and horses may be obtained for the round trip at $4 per person, if three or more go together.

Glacier Hotel, on Lake McDonald, via Sperry Chalets.—Horses and guides may be obtained for a two-day trip at the rate of $10 for each person, if five or more make the trip together.

Logan Pass triangle trip.—Three-day trip, made as follows: Going-to-the-Sun Chalets to Many Glacier Hotel, via Glacial Meadows and Piegan Pass; thence to Granite Park Chalets via Swiftcurrent Pass; thence back to Going-to-the-Sun Chalets, via the west side of the Garden Wall and Logan Pass. Rate for guide and horses, $12.50 per person.

Many Glacier Hotel is also a point of departure for this trip.

Parties once started on this trip will not be allowed a refund in case of withdrawal.

Circle trip.—Guide and horses may be obtained for a five-day trip, starting from Going-to-the-Sun Chalets and going over Piegan Pass to Many Glacier Hotel; thence over Swiftcurrent Pass to Granite Park Chalets; thence via the Garden Wall trail to Glacier Hotel, on Lake McDonald; thence to Sperry Chalets, from which a foot trail leads to Sperry Glacier; thence over Gunsight Pass, returning to Going-to-the-Sun Chalets, at the rate of $25 for each person, if five or more make the trip together.

This trip can also be started from Many Glacier Hotel and Glacier Hotel, on Lake McDonald, returning to starting point.

Parties once started on this trip will not be allowed a refund in case of withdrawal.

(Altitude, 4,900 feet.)

Appekunny Basin.—Trail; 4 miles.

St. Mary Chalets (4,500 feet).—Road; 23 miles; stage fare $3.50 in each direction. Trail; 16 miles.

Going-to-the-Sun Chalets (4,500 feet) by way of Piegan Pass (7,200 feet).—Trail; 18 miles. This trip gives views of Mount Siyeh and Piegan Mountain, the Garden Wall, Morning Eagle Falls, Grinnell Glacier, and Lake McDermott. Rate for guide and horses, $5 for each person. Made daily.

Iceberg Lake (6,000 feet).—Trail; 7 miles. Rate for guide and horses, $4 per person for the round trip. Made daily.

Gunsight Lake.—Trail by way of Piegan Pass; 20 miles.

Cracker Lake (6,000 feet).—Trail; 7 miles. Rate for guide and horses, $4 per person for the round trip. Made daily.

Grinnell Lake (5,000 feet).—Trail; 5 miles; footpath to Grinnell Glacier (5,000 feet); distance, 2 miles from Grinnell Lake. Rate for guide and horses for the round trip, $3.50 per person, if three or more go together. This trip is made in the afternoon.

Grinnell Glacier.—Rate for guides and horses for round trip to Grinnell Glacier, $4 for each person, if three or more go together.

Piegan Pass (7,200 feet) and Garden Wall.—Trail; 9 miles.

Swiftcurrent Pass (7,176 feet).—Trail; 7 miles.

Ptarmigan Lake (6,000 feet).—Trail; 7 miles. Rate for guide and horses to Ptarmigan Lake and return, $4 per person, if three or more go together.

Morning Eagle Falls.—Trail; 6 miles. Rate for guide and horses for the round trip, $4 per person. Persons on this trip with guide and persons for Going-to-the-Sun Chalets, dropping out at the Falls are picked up by guide and party for Many Glacier Hotel.

Granite Park Chalets (6,500 feet).—Trail by way of Swiftcurrent Pass (7,176 feet); 9 miles. Rate for guide and horses, $5 per person for the round trip. Guide and horses for a two-day trip to Granite Park and return may be had for $8 for each person.

Going-to-the-Sun Chalets.—Rate for guide and horses to Going-to-the-Sun Chalets via Piegan Pass, $5 per person.

Glacier Park Hotel (4,800 feet).—Road 55 miles; automobile stage fare, $7.50 in each direction. For schedule, see page 32.

Logan Pass Triangle trip.—Three-day trip made as follows: Many Glacier Hotel to Granite Park Chalets via Swiftcurrent Pass, thence along the west side of the Garden Wall through Logan Pass to Going-to-the-Sun Chalets, thence back to Many Glacier Hotel via Glacial Meadows and Piegan Pass. Rate for guide and horses, $12.50 per person. Going-to-the-Sun Chalets is also a point of departure for this trip.

Parties once started on this trip will not inc allowed a refund in case of withdrawal.

Inside Trail.—Guide and horses may be obtained for a five-day trip over the Inside Trail from Many Glacier Hotel via Piegan Pass to Going-to-the-Sun Chalets, thence by boat across St. Mary Lake to St. Mary Chalets, thence via Red Eagle Lake and Triple Divide to Cut Bank Chalets, thence via Mount Morgan Pass and Two Medicine Chalets to Glacier Park Hotel, at the rate of $19 per person, including boat fare, if five or more make the trip. This trip may be made in either direction.

Parties once started on this trip will not be allowed a refund in case of withdrawal.

Circle trip.—Guide and horses may be obtained for a five-day circle trip, starting from Many Glacier Hotel and going over Swiftcurrent Pass to Granite Park Chalets; thence via the Garden Wall Trail to Glacier Hotel on Lake McDonald; thence to Sperry Chalets, from which a foot trail leads to Sperry Glacier; thence over Gunsight Pass to Going-to-the-Sun Chalets, returning via Piegan Pass to Many Glacier Hotel, at the rate of $25 for each person, if five or more make the trip together.

This trip can also be started from Going-to-the-Sun Chalets and Glacier Hotel, on Lake McDonald, returning to starting point.

Parties once started on this trip will not be allowed a refund in case of withdrawal,

(Altitude, about 6,300 feet.)

Swiftcurrent Peak.——One mile by footpath from Swiftcurrent Pass, 1-3/4 miles from Chalets. From the top of Swiftcurrent Peak an unexcelled panorama of all the principal peaks of the park and many of the glaciers and lakes may be seen.

Rosenwald Path.—This footpath leads to a reef about one-third mile north of the chalets, from which place an excellent view of the northern portion of park, Mount Cleveland, and the Canadian mountains can be seen.

Piatt Path.—This footpath leaves the Logan Pass trail about 1 mile south of the chalets and climbs up to and follows along the top of the Garden Wall for about 1-1/2 miles, from which place one may look down upon Grinnell Glacier and the beautiful lakes of the Cataract and Swiftcurrent Valleys. This is the most spectacular trail in the park.

Logan Pass and vicinity.—Logan Pass is 7.7 miles south by horse trail from the chalets. This is a new section of wonders opened up to tourist travel in 1918. The scenery is inspiring and from the pass short trips may be made to the Hanging Gardens, Hidden Lake, Clements Glacier, Reynolds Mountain, and a view of Twin Lakes, Avalanche Basin, etc., may be obtained.

Logan Pass trail.—Leading from Granite Park to St. Mary Valley via Logan Pass and Reynolds Creek. This is the finest view trail open to horse travel in the park; from it may be seen many wonderful waterfalls. Lake McDonald, Heavens Peaks, and the other peaks of the range of mountains to the west. Many wonderful canyons, cliffs, and cataracts may be seen. Distance to Going-to-the-Sun Chalets 16.4 miles.

(Altitude, about 6,500 feet.)

Going-to-the-Sun-Chalets (4,500 feet).—Trail by way of Gunsight Pass; 15 miles.

Glacier Hotel (Lewis's), Lake McDonald (3,200 feet).—Trail; 7 miles; 2 miles farther to Park Cabin Resort.

Sperry Glacier (9,000 feet).—Trail; 2 miles. This is a steep trail and the trip should be made on foot to the escarpment. The escarpment may be climbed by means of an iron ladder bolted to the rock, or by way of zigzag goat trails. Whichever method of ascent is attempted, visitors should be accompanied by competent guides provided with ropes. While this glacier is less broken than Blackfeet Glacier, explorations should not be attempted without a guide.

(Altitude, 3,200 feet.)

Paradise Canyon.—Trail; 4 miles from Glacier Hotel, 2 miles from Park Cabin Resort.

Avalanche Basin (3,885 feet).—Trail; 9 miles from Glacier Hotel, 7 miles from head of lake. Rate for guide and horses for the round trip, $4 per person if three or more go together.

Trout Lake (3,880 feet).—Trail; 8 miles from Glacier Hotel, 9 miles from head of lake.

Lake Ellen Wilson (5,914 feet).—Trail; 10 miles from Glacier Hotel, 12 miles from head of lake.

Stanton Mountain (7,744 feet).—Trail to summit; 7 miles from Glacier Hotel, 5 miles from head of lake.

Sperry Chalets (8,000 feet) including Sperry Glacier.—Trail; 7 miles from Glacier Hotel, 9 miles from head of lake. A foot trail leads from chalets to Sperry Glacier; 2 miles. Guide and horses for the round trip, three or more in party, $5. Made daily.

Snyder Lake.—Trail; 4 miles from Glacier Hotel, 6 miles from head of lake. Rate for guide and horses, $4 per person for the round trip, if three or more go together.

Lincoln Peak.—Rate for guide and horses, $5 per person for the round trip, if three or more go together.

Going-to-the-Sun Chalets via Sperry Chalets.—Guide and horses for two-day trip to Going-to-the-Sun Chalets may be had at the rate of $10 for each person, where five or more make the trip.

Circle trip.—Guide and horses may be obtained for a five-day circle trip, starting from Glacier Hotel and Park Cabin Resort on Lake McDonald and going via Sperry Chalets, with a side trip on foot to Sperry Glacier; over Gunsight Pass to Going-to-the-Sun Chalets; thence via Piegan Pass to Many Glacier Hotel; thence over Swiftcurrent Pass to Granite Park Chalets, returning via the Garden Wall trail to Glacier Hotel, at the rate of $25 per person, where five or more make the trip.

This trip can also be started from Going-to-the-Sun Chalets and Many Glacier Hotel.

Parties once started on this trip will not be allowed a refund in case of withdrawal.

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Last Updated: 16-Feb-2010