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From Grand canyon
village to—
El Tovar
By—Altitude. Attractions and remarks.

Hermit Rest7-1/2 WRoad6,610 Interesting Harvey Rest House. Only 5 miles on foot or horseback through woods by cut-off roads and trails.
Natural Bridges9 WRoad trail----- Natural bridges in limestone.
Hermit Basin9 W   do5,250 Ranger cabin. Water. Pretty valley.
Dripping Springs12 W   do5,500 Beautiful springs and fine trail.
Sta. Maria springs10 W   do5,250 On Hermit Trail.
Hermit Camp15 W   do3,050 Down Hermit Trail to Tonto Plateau. Fine accommodations and beautiful creek. Camp open all year.
Colorado River at foot of Hermit Trail16 W   do2,400 Close view of rapids.
Grandview Point14 ERoad7,406 Auto ride through forest. Magnificent view of Canyon, Painted Desert, and Navajo Mountain.
Desert View32 E   do7,450 Auto ride through forest. View of Painted Desert, Grand Canyon, Cedar Mountain, and Palisades of the Desert.
Little Colorado65 ERoad trail2,750 Auto ride through forest. View of Painted Desert. On trail to Hopi Land.
Painted Desert76 E   do4,800 Desert extending from Grand Canyon to Petrified Forest, famed for its glowing colors.
Cataract Canyon45 W   do6,000 Remarkable canyon and waterfalls near village of Havasupai Indians in primitive state.
Cable Crossing11 NETrail2,450 Via Tonto Trail, east from Indian Gardens. Cable over Colorado River.
Tram Camp11-1/2 NE   do2,450 Ranger camp at mouth of Bright Angel Creek, on north bank of Colorado River.
North Rim (at Bright Angel Point)28 N   do8,153 Via Tram Camp and Kaibab Trail up Bright Angel Creek.
Kanab, Utah88 N   do4,750 Kaibab Trail to North Rim and road through forest to Kanab.
Williams, Ariz66 SR R and auto road6,762 Nearest shopping town to Grand Canyon.
Flagstaff, Ariz86 SE   do6,896 County seat, San Francisco Mountains, Lowell Observatory. Interesting center.
Los Angeles, Calif574 SW   do293
Phoenix, Ariz281 S   do1,090 State capital. Gateway to Tonto and other National Monuments and Roosevelt Dam.
Pictograph Rock1/4 WTrail6,800 Ancient Indian paintings, fine view. Interesting foot trail.
Picnic Rock1/2 W   do7,000 Walk through woods. Fine view of San Francisco Mountains, etc.
Bass's Place3/4 SWRoad6,850 On Ash Fork Road, through woods.
Rowes Well4 SW   do6,681 On Cataract Canyon Road. Ranger station in big pine woods. Good water.
Grandeur Point1-1/4 ERoad trail7,000 Fine view of river. Good trail along rim of canyon.
Yavapai Point2 E   do7,100 View of river. Good trail along rim of canyon.
Yaki Point5 ETrail7,250    Do.
Shoshone Point9 E   do7,250 Sometimes called Inspiration Point. Fine view.
Maricopa Point2 WPaved road6,950 Powell Memorial and view.
Hopi Point2-1/4 W   do7,071 View into canyon. Known also as Sunset Point. Favorite point for sunset views.
Mohave Point3 W   do7,000 View of canyon.
Pima Point5 SW   do6,750 View of canyon and river. Hermit Camp visible beneath.
Indian Garden3-1/2 NPaved road3,876 Down Bright Angel Trail. Fine creek of good water.
Lower Indian Garden5 N   do2,700 Old Indian gardens and dwellings.
Plateau Point5 N   do3,750 View into gorge.
Colorado River at foot of Bright Angel trail7 N   do2,436 Good trail from Rim to the Colorado River.
Havasupai Point26 WRoad6,750 Excellent view of canyon.
Bass's Camp24 W   do6,652 Prospector's camp.
Bright Angel Point29 NTrail8,153 On the North Rim. "Wiley Way." Tourist camp.
Wiley Way Camp29 NTrail or auto road from Salt Lake City and Marysvale. 8,133On the North Rim. (See page 25.)
Point Sublime----Trail from Bright Angel Camp. 7,464 Westernmost point of Kaibab Plateau on North Rim opposite Grand Canyon Village. Commands view of 250°.
Cape Final----   do 7,919 Easternmost point of Kaibab Plateau on North Rim opposite Grand Canyon Village. Commands view up Marble Canyon and down Grand Canyon; also of Painted Desert.


Time required.—While one ought to remain a week or two, a stopover of three or four days from the transcontinental trip will be quite satisfactory. The Hermit overnight camping trip requires two days and a night. One day should be devoted to an auto ride along the Hermit Rim Road, and by auto to Grandview. Another day go down Bright Angel Trail and back. A fourth day spent in short walks to nearby points, or on horseback, will enable visitors to get more intimate views. Hermit Loop three-day camping trip, down one trail and up another, is well worthwhile.

The several trips mentioned above are all well worthwhile, and the high plateau above the rim affords many delightful horseback or hiking trips. Visitors to the North Rim may well spend as much time as can be spared.

The National Park Service of the Department of the Interior recommends to the traveling public that stop-overs of as long duration as practicable be planned at points within the Parks; that Grand Canyon National Park be regarded not alone as a region which may be glimpsed on a hurried trip, but also as a vacation playground for rest and recreation.


If much tramping is done, stout, thick shoes should be provided. Ladies will find that short walking skirts are a convenience; riding trousers are preferable, but not essential, for the horseback journey down the zigzag trail. Traveling caps and (in summer) broad-brimmed straw hats are useful adjuncts. Otherwise ordinary clothing will suffice. Riding trousers, divided skirts, and straw hats may be rented at El Tovar Hotel.


Grand Canyon National Park is under the jurisdiction of the Director, National Park Service, Department of the Interior, Washington, D. C. The Park Superintendent is located at Grand Canyon, Ariz., and information, maps, and pamphlets may be obtained at the office, where visitors are cordially welcomed. The temporary office of the superintendent is south across the railroad tracks 200 yards from the Grand Canyon Railway Depot and on the paved road that passes the El Tovar Garage.

The park is accessible throughout the year. The El Tovar Hotel, Bright Angel and Hermit Camps, are always open.

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Last Updated: 16-Feb-2010