Rules and Regulations
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At the Giant Forest there is a general store, telephone station, livery stable, and two photograph galleries.

The Kings River Parks Co. maintains a permanent public camp in the Giant Forest.

The authorized rates are as follows:

Authorized rates at Giant Forest Camp.

Board and lodging in camp without bath (American plan):
   Per person, per day, two persons in room$4.00
   Per person, per week26.00
   Per person, per month100.00
   Baths, extra.50
Transient rates:
One-half of the regular rate will be charged for children under 5 years of age.

Guests desiring extra tent room will be charged as follows:
Tent capacity of 4 persons occupied by two, per day each extra1.25
Tent capacity of 2 persons occupied by 1, per day extra1.25

During the season 1920 a few specially appointed cottages with hot and cold baths will be maintained.

Rates for special accommodations, including board and lodging.

Per day per person$5 00
Per day, 2 persons10.00

Where such a room with a capacity of two is occupied by one person, a charge of $2 per day extra will be made.

The Kings River Parks Co. also maintains a saddle and pack animal transportation service in the Sequoia National Park. The authorized rates are as follows:

Rates for special trips in the park and vicinity.

To Sherman Tree and return$2.50
To Sherman Tree, Wolverton and return via Circle Meadow4.00
To Moro Rock and return2.50
To Moro Rock and return via Crescent, Log, and Huckleberry Meadows3.50
To Alta and return6.00
To Twin Lakes and return6.00

For parties of four or more persons a guide will accompany the party without extra charge. For parties of less than tour persons a charge will be made for the guide at the regular rate of $6 per day, or $3.50 per half day.

Livery rates inside of the park.

Feeding animals hay, per night, each$1.00
Feeding animals hay and barley, per night, each1.75
One feed of hay or barley.50

For those accustomed to riding, special riding animals can be rented for use in the immediate vicinity of Giant Forest. In such cases horses may be taken without guides and when so taken the customer will be responsible for any damage or loss of the equipment or horses and must in all cases agree to stay in the territory designated by the National Park Service.

Rates for special riding animals.

Saddle horses, per day$4.00—$5.00
Saddle horses, per half day2.50—3.00

According to equipment and horses.

The Sequoia National Park is a point of departure for Horse Corral Meadows, Kings River Canyon, Kearsarge Pass, Kern River Canyon, Mount Whitney, and other points in the proposed Roosevelt National Park.

Rates for saddle and pack train and guide service.

Saddle horses, per day$2.50—$3.50
Pack mules, per day2.50
Guides or packers with horse, per day6.00
Cooks, with horse, per day6.00—10.00
Pack donkeys, per day1.50

The Kings River Parks Co. will quote a special price for parties of four or more, including supplies, cook, equipment, etc., for long trips.

The Sequoia National Park Stage Co. operates an auto stage service from Giant Forest to points of interest in the park on regular schedule, allowing sufficient time at the points of interest to sightsee or make photographs, at the following rates:

Authorized rates of Sequoia National Park Stage Co.

Parker Group, Moro Rock, and return—
   One person$1.00
   Two or more, each.75
Admiration Point and return—
   One person3.00
   Two or more, each2.50
General Sherman Tree and return—
   One person1.00
   Two or more, each.75
General Sherman Tree, Wolverton and return—
   One person2.00
   Two or more, each1.50

Special five or seven-passenger touring cars, are also available for these trips, providing exclusive service and independent schedule for small additional charge.


In General Grant National Park there is a general store, telephone station, photograph gallery, and gasoline supply station.

The Kings River Parks Co. maintains a permanent camp, the general store mentioned above, and a saddle and pack animal transportation service in the park and into the surrounding mountains. The authorized rates are as follows:

Rates for camp accommodations in General Grant National Park.

Board and lodging in camp, without bath (American plan):
   Per person, per day, two persons in room$4.00
   Per person, per week26.00
   Per person, per month100.00
   Baths, extra.50
Transient rates:
     One-half of regular rate will be charged for children under 5 years of age.

Guests desiring extra tent room will be charged as follows:
   Tent, capacity of four persons, occupied by two, per day each, extra$1.25
   Tent, capacity of two persons, occupied by one, per day, extra1.25

During the season of 1920 a few specially appointed cottages, with hot and cold baths, will be maintained.

Rates for special accommodations, including board and lodging.

Per day, per person$5.00
Per day, two persons$10.00

Where such a room, with a capacity of two, is occupied by one person a charge of $2 per day will be made.

Livery rates inside of the park.

Feeding animal hay, per night, each$1.00
Feeding animals hay and barley, per night, each1.75
One feed of hay or barley.50

For those accustomed to riding, special riding animals can be rented for use in the immediate vicinity of General Grant National Park. In such cases horses may be taken without guides, and when so taken the customer will be responsible for any damage or loss of the equipment or horses, and must in all cases agree to stay in the territory designated by the National Park Service.

Rates for special riding animals.

Saddle horses, per day$4.00-$5.00
Saddle horses, half day2.50-3.00
     According to equipment and horses.

General Grant National Park is a point of departure for Horse Corral Meadows, Kings River Canyon, Kearsarge Pass, Mount Brewer, Rae Lake, Mount Whitney, Middle Fork (Tehipite) Canyon, Simpson Meadow, and other points in the proposed Roosevelt National Park.

Rates for saddle and pack train and guide service.

Saddle horses, per day$2.50—$3.50
Pack mules, per day2.50
Guides or packers with horse, per day6.00
Cooks with horses, per day6.00—10.00
Pack donkeys, per day1.50

The Kings River Parks Co. will quote special prices for parties of four or more, including supplies, cook, equipment, etc., for long trips.

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Last Updated: 16-Feb-2010