Rules and Regulations
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1See map showing railroad connections for Wind Cave National Park, page 24.

The park may be reached by conveyance from Hot Springs, S. Dak., on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, and the Chicago & North Western Railroads, or by conveyance from Custer, S. Dak., on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad.

Hot Springs is an over-night ride by railroad from Omaha, Denver, or Billings.

During the summer season round-trip excursion tickets are sold at reduced fares from the Middle West, East, and South to Hot Springs as a destination. Choice of routes in each direction is generallyi offered. Return routes via Denver are also available, enabling passengers to make circuit trips and plan visits to Wind Cave and Rocky Mountain National Parks.

Passengers wishing to visit Wind Cave National Park as a side trip from Edgemont or Buffalo Gap, S. Dak. (13 and 14 miles, respectively, from Hot Springs), in connection with journeys to other destinations, may stop over on summer excursion tickets. From many sections transcontinental passengers and passengers for Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks may purchase tickets good for passage through Edgemont.

The fare from Hot Springs to Wind Cave and return by automobile is $2.50.

Mr. Burt Underhill, of Hot Springs, operates exclusive automobile service to the park.

For further information regarding railroad fares, service, etc., apply to railroad ticket agents, or C. A. Cairns, passenger traffic manager, Chicago & Northwestern Railroad, Chicago, Ill., or P. S. Eustis, passenger traffic manager, Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, Chicago, Ill.


The representative of the National Park Service in charge of Wind Cave National Park is the superintendent, Mr. Roy Brazell. His address is Hot Springs, S. Dak.

The reservation is open the entire year, but the tourist season extends from June 1 to September 30. Visitors are permitted to enter the cave at the hours of 9 a. m. and 2 p. m. daily, the tour being made under the supervision of competent guides provided by the Government. For this guide service a fee of 25 cents is exacted from each person entering the cave.


The post office is Hot Springs, S. Dak.

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Last Updated: 16-Feb-2010