Rules and Regulations
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Government publications on Wind Cave National Park may be obtained as indicated below. Separate communications should be addressed to the officers mentioned.


The following publications may be obtained free on written application to the Director of the National Park Service, or by personal application to the office of the superintendent of the park.

Map of National Parks and Monuments.

Shows location of all the national parks and monuments, administered by the National Park Service and all railroad routes to the reservations.


The following publication may be obtained from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington D. C., at the prices indicated. Remittances should be made by money order or in cash.

The National Parks Portfolio. By Robert Sterling Yard. 1917. 260 pages, including 270 illustrations Pamphlet edition, loose in flexible cover, 35 cents; book edition, containing same material securely bound in cloth, 55 cents.

Contains nine sections, each descriptive of a national park, and one larger section devoted to other parks and monuments.


MILLS, ENOS A. Your National Parks, 1917. 532 pages, illustrated. Wind Cave National Park on pages 242-244; 508.

YARD, ROBERT STERLING. The Book of the National Parks, 1917. Illustrated, Wind Cave National Park on page 415.


AGRICULTURE, SECRETARY OF [letter to president of the American Bison Society, under date of Mar, 12, 1912, acknowledging offer of the society to place a herd of buffalo in the Wind Cave Park if a suitable inclosure could be provided for them]. Fifth Ann. Rept. Am. Bison Soc., p. 31, 1912.

Letter from Hon. James Wilson to Prof. Franklin W. Hooper.

______ [letter to president of the American Bison Society, under date of Dec. 30, 1913, acknowledging receipt of herd of 14 buffalo presented by the Society, and containing a statement of the number of buffalo in each of the Government herds.] Seventh Ann. Rept. Am. Bison Soc., pp. 51-52, 1914.

Letter from Hon. D. F. Houston to Prof. Franklin W. Hooper.

ANONYMOUS. Wind Cave. Current Literature, vol. 27, pp. 133-134, Feb. 1900.

______ New Mammoth Cave in South Dakota. Ibid., vol. 30, p. 687, June, 1901.

______ In a South Dakota Cave. Ibid., vol. 31, p. 452, Oct. 1901.

CONGRESS [Report on] Wind Cave National Park. 57th Cong., 1st sess. H. Rept. No. 2676, June 25, 1902. (See also H. Rept. No. 2606, June 20, 1902.)

Report of the House Committee on the Public Lands on the bill to set apart certain lands of South Dakota as the Wind Cave National Park, accompanied by extracts from the Report of the Geological Survey and a letter from the Commissioner of the General Land Office.

______ [Report on] Wind Cave National Park. 57th Cong., 1st sess., S. Rept. 1944, pp. 1-6, June 17, 1902.

Report of the Senate Committee on Public Lands on the bill to set apart certain lands in South Dakota as the Wind Cave National Park, accompanied by letters from the Commissioner of the General Land Office and extracts from the report of the U. S. Geological Survey.

DILLE, F. M., Latest News from the Wind Cave Herd. Seventh Ann. Rept. Am. Bison Soc., 1914, p. 56.

Statement of the favorable condition of the herd during their first winter in the Park.

______ Report on Wind Cave National Park. Tenth Ann. Rept. Am. Bison Soc., 1915-1916, pp. 27-28.

Gives the status of the herd to May, 1915.

HOOPER, Prof. FRANKLIN W. [extracts from the Annual Report of President of American Bison Society regarding establishment of Wind Cave National Game Preserve]. Seventh Ann. Rept. Am. Bison Soc., 1914, pp. 10-13.

A brief summary of the work of the society in establishing the preserve and transferring the buffalo.

HORN, E. C., Mazes and Marvels of Wind Cave, fifth edition, Anoka, Minn., pp. 1-44, 1901.

A privately printed, popular guide to the cave.

HOVEY, E. O., The Wind Cave of South Dakota. Sci. Am. Suppl., vol. 49, pp 20458-20459, 4 figs., June 16, 1900.

Brief history and general description of the cave. States that the cavern is said to have been originally discovered in 1877 by an outlaw named Lame Johnnie and rediscovered by a cowboy in 1884. (The date usually given for the discovery of the cave is 1881.)

LORING, J. ALDEN, Report on Certain Lands in South Dakota Suitable for a Buffalo and Game Reserve. Fifth Ann. Rept. Am. Bison Soc., 1912, Appendix, pp. 1-31.

Report on the results of an examination of the Wind Cave National Park made for the American Bison Society, together with recommendations for the establishment of a game preserve at this point.

MITCHELL, H. R., Report of the Establishment of the National Herd in the Wind Cave National Game Preserve. Seventh Ann. Rept. Am. Bison Soc., 1914. pp. 39-50.

Detailed account of the shipment of 14 buffalo from New York to the Wind Cave National Park.

PALMER, T. S, Progress on Wind Cave National Preserve. Sixth Ann. Rept. Am. Bison Soc., 1913, p. 44.

Statement of progress in acquisition of private lands adjoining the park to May, 1913.

_____ Our National Herds of Buffalo. Tenth Ann. Rept. Am. Bison Soc., 1915-1916, p. 49-50.

Contains a brief summary of the history of the Wind Cave Park Herd.

PARKS, J. F., The South Dakota State Game Preserve. Am. Field, Vol. 81, pp. 577-579, June 20, 1914.

Description of the game preserve and an account of how to reach it via Hot Springs and the Wind Cave Park.


Rules and Regulations similar to this, containing information regarding the national parks listed below may be obtained free of charge by writing to the Director of the National Park Service, Washington, D. C.

Yellowstone National Park.
Mount Rainier National Park.
Crater Lake National Park.
Mesa Verde National Park.
Sequoia and General Grant National Parks.
The Hot Springs of Arkansas.
Glacier National Park.
Yosemite National Park.
Rocky Mountain National Park.
Grand Canyon National Park.


Glimpses of our National Parks, 48 pages.

Contains descriptions of the most important features of the principal national parks.


The following publication relating to the national monuments may be obtained free of charge by writing to the Director of the National Park Service, Washington, D. C.:

Casa Grande National Monument.

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Last Updated: 16-Feb-2010